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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 8, 2020



In the struggle for racial justice silence is violence. 





Your face is perpetually itchy now that you’re not supposed to touch it.

It’s science.

 This is that bitch who faked helping for a photo op.

 Need proof? Try watching this.
Texas police open fire on protesters trying to get medical care for an injured child.
You really, really, really need to watch this. 

And just in case you think rubber bullets are like paintball stings here are the facts.



Murder hornets? Well, it sounds like a welcome distraction, honestly. Let’s do it.

This shit has been going on far too long.

On June 16, 1944, in South Carolina, George Stinney Jr. was the youngest person sentenced to death in the 20th century in the United States.
He was only 14 when he was executed by the electric chair.
He was accused of killing two white girls, Betty, 11 years old & Mary, 7. The bodies were found in a ditch of a nearby lumber yard, completely battered and broken.
He and his sister had seen the girls earlier in the day when they had ridden their bicycles by. So he was hauled in for questioning.
He was questioned alone – without his parents and without an attorney present. (Gideon v Wainwright wasn’t until 1963-right to a legal counsel)
At that time all the jurors were white. 
The trial lasted only 2 hours and the sentence handed down 10 minutes later.
The child's parents were threatened by a lynch mob, prevented from seeing him, and run out of town.
Before the execution, George spent 81 days without being able to see his parents.
He was trapped in a solitary cell, 80 km from home.
He was electrocuted with 5,380 volts in the head. 
In front of a crowd.
70 years later, his innocence was finally proven by a judge in South Carolina.  


 This is what it looks like in Hong Kong.


What if those pandas mated naturally for the first time because they’re turned on by mounting human death tolls?


 George Carlin on police brutality



 NY State suspends habeas corpus








During this difficult time, I urge all parents to go through their children’s toys after they go to bed tonight and throw out any kazoos and whistles.

It’s too late for me, but PLEASE save yourselves!








I’m not saying breakfast tacos are the cure but I’ve had breakfast tacos every day for 2 weeks and I’m COVID19 free...do the math.


A medical testing swab factory in Maine lost a day of work because this guy didn't wear a mask.
"On Friday, amid all the civil unrest in America, our baked yam-in-chief decided to take a tour of a swab factory in my home state. Our unfit, impeached windbag decided he didn't need a mask because he wanted to smell the swabs or whatever it is he's doing in this photo, and as a result, the entire supply made during his visit had to be thrown out. Additionally, the machines were shut down for the rest of the day, presumably to be able to re-sterilize everything he breathed on or touched with his slimy baby hands. 
This of course comes at a time where there is a shortage of swabs, and because of all the protests, there will surely be a spike in the next few weeks that we'll need testing for. But what is a day's worth of life-saving medical equipment production compared to yet another photo-op that embarrasses the entire nation."





Anonymous said...

Is this a repost?

Ralph Henry said...

Briefly, my friend, until I realized my error and changed the date. You are indeed an astute observer.

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