About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


NOTE: Lots of news today but I just don't have time to organize it. I offer it in the order I stumbled upon it. I hope you find it worthy of your attention.





And the exact same thing was happening all over the country.

Then I found this:


This guy was arrested for setting fire to an historical building.

Apparently, they had been keeping an eye on the guy all day.

Here he is at the scene of the crime.




Dark for the first time anyone can remember.

I think the sign says "There is nothing wrong about being black."



 I did everything I could think of doing.




That was the stupidest movie I have ever watched even with the Harry Potter girl in it.

Protests in capitals all over the world.

















Is this attempted murder? Portland rioters kick an unconscious man in the face.
 https://youtu.be/-3EnRtOv3U4 (video of the assault) 

The NY Times article here:

You know its bad when even the Amish get involved.








Cop falls off police SUV, panics, fires pepper spray randomly into the air in response.

 Who the fuck burns down a McDonalds?

Thugs attack an elderly man with a cane

Finally finished cleaning my studio. Pics tomorrow.

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