About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 17, 2021

FRIDAY #4650

 One Of My Very Own






France did not abandon nuclear power after Chernobyl.




If the Unabomber was so smart, why did he pick such a suspicious name?



On my ashes box, I could have etched: In loving memory of a man. Not this man, another one.


For my British friend...



Fucking With Snails: Science Edition


A must-have for all real Star Wars fans...



All I can visualize are thousands of Spreadnecks packing their bags and heading south.


We are under tremendous stress, Gentle Readers. Please seek help if you feel yourself losing control.


*Viewer Contribution


There have been studies about that very thing and it seems driving brings out aggressiveness in all of us.


Another for my British friends.


Or better yet do as I did - be your own boss (BYOB).


It's amazing to me how Christians can thank god for saving their Aunt Martha but not blame him for murdering soon-to-be 700,000 of their countrymen.





My wife has nothing in common with people who answer “How are you”, with “Can’t complain.”


*In Texas, consistency is not a virtue -

I do what I want and you do what I want is a virtue.




*Verification Required


Let's hear it right from the horse's mouth:


And, yes, predictably, I lay this whole abortion hysteria at the feet of a religion based on a book that said not one word about abortion.

77% of Americans want to keep abortions legal.

There is no difference between the rate of abortions of Republicans and Democrats.









Twitter is like if every 20 minutes a clown kicks your door open and yells, “WELL IT GOT WEIRDER!”





What would happen if one of those pedestrians looked into the projector?


Real-time interactive football wall.


Does anybody want to guess as to what this means?


I would like to see a mirror on the floor so you can glance down to see what's happening over your head.


Let's take another look at this extreme lesbian sex.


I prefer not to send you to another site but many videos are just too large to upload.


Magnus Effect 


That piece of PVC is a stroke of genius.


Guess what this is.


It's a Mcdonald's.


The future is now.


I don't know where or what this is but it looks rather sad.





More Americans have now died of covid than died of the Spanish Flu at the beginning of the last century.


He is most definitely mocking the anti-vaxxers.











*Remember these are British.


Remember the paper rack artifact that I preserved from an old school? Well, I dismantled it and used the wood.

I made a Treasure Chest.

Beer can for scale.

I plan to fill it with personal items that my grandson might find interesting. Things like my first baseball glove, parts from missiles, mugs from Germany, etc.

I braced it up so he doesn't break it when he fornicated with some big tithed Goth girl in college on top of it.

I even gave it massive casters to facilitate mobility.

1 comment:

Burgervan said...

C5: Double FISTING! hahaha

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