One Of My Very Own
*They don't want me on that jury.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, of all people, once said that nuking a massive asteroid approaching for an extinction event would only make it worse. But what the fuck could be worse than an extinction event?!
The vaccine could prevent 5.3 million cases and 24,000 deaths among children 5 years and younger every year. As I recall, it is the single biggest killer the world has ever known.
It's called redundant acronym syndrome and here are some examples:
"ATM machines, PIN numbers", "MLB baseball," "EDM music," and "HTTP" protocol. "PSA announcement." "LCD display." "POTS syndrome." "CAC card." "HIV virus."
I would love to see whether there is an increase in service complaints.
I predict 1 million US deaths before it's all over - all of them preventable.
There is a full-blown psychosis growing in America with no signs of it abating.
It's like a zombie apocalypse only they have a compulsion to kill themselves and their loved ones.
Another example of American exceptionalism.
This is from Ireland...
It's almost like there is a worldwide conspiracy to keep poor folk poor.
Well, Mr. Ales, that's $90 a month and for many people, that's their entire grocery budget.
^^A 8-11^^
Stop wasting your time complaining about how it’s hard to make friends and start screaming “Oh my god I love your tattoo” from across the street.
I almost added that caption to this photo...
Reeeeaally overselling it, Cosco.
Library patron of the week: The fella who came in, wandered around for a good while, then asked pleasantly, “What is this place?”
It was stated that the clip was reversed but that would mean that the man is taking shingles OFF the roof. Also, go back and watch the guy on the other roof.
He doesn't seem to be moving backward. ^^C1^^
Look at his posture, his hands, and his expression and try to imagine the stress that man is under.
That man spends a lot of time standing around.
Would somebody - ANYBODY - explain what we all just witnessed?
Einstein and Not his wife.
I think she just propositioned him.
Albert Einstein married his cousin Elsa.
Even his marriage was relative.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Benny Hill...
He gave the censors a fit.
Just a kid playing at the moment.
Not a cell phone in sight.
Them: You know what’s good for depression? Fish and nuts.
Me: *slaps them around the face with a tuna and kicks them in the nuts.
You’re right, I do feel better now.
Do you remember me mentioning the limited number of movie scenes shot in the bathroom? Well, this guy found a bunch of them and framed them!
The Koma 1.5 is a powered exoskeleton that can be used as a buggy.
It looks a little cumbersome to me.
Who’s for lunch?
This goes on the front of a SU-29 plane to control the amount of air passing the engine.
When your toddler takes tricycling seriously...
I'm betting they just leave it down there.
I need to buy one of these to entertain my wife.
Glass periodic table with real elements inside it
I bought my grandson one of those. Now he will walk into the kitchen and say, "Momma, guess how many electrons cobalt has." He's six. But his grandfather was an artist, his grandmother was a concert pianist, and both of his parents are renowned scientists. Those genes could produce an Einstein or a Mick Jagger.
And it even has a little cup to hold your balls!
Did you notice the square stones that look ready to use in castle construction?
They jump up and pull the handle numerous times then...
But the cats are not why I posted that. I want to know who runs out of stain for the door and just leaves it that way?
Speaking of...

In my youth, we used to build countless "shelters" like this...
At first, I thought it was a tiny roll-on printer similar to this one.
I don't see a door.
Do you see a door?
I don't think that's stain. It looks like a veneer that has been peeled away maybe from the cat's scratching the door.
D12: that's not stain. It's paint, and the bare spot is from the cats.
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