About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


One Of My Very Own

He should have replied something. I toyed with adding "Again?" but then why was he confused to start with. I gave it a lot of thought and now after it was posted did I come up with this:
"Can she get a refund on her anger management sessions?"




Alec Baldwin right now...




Nurse drawing her fifth vial of blood:
Almost done.

Me: I’d hope. Are you gonna run tests or frame me for murder?



I've rearranged letters on a sign. Once I got my six-year-old great-nephew to assist.

Months ago I wrote that the first sign of a culture in decline was their roads going to shit. Oh, my.


I'm just going to get out ahead of this right now... 

Kelly did not kill himself!


Florida Man = Just a normal Russian.


I think that flip-flops are the greatest footwear invention of all time.


Watching the history channel and feeling clever when the guy said “And this dinosaur was called pterodactyl” and I’m thinking “Called by who? There was nobody there.”



Then there is the delicate unproductive hand...
It reminds me of this lady burning off her fingerprints...

It's those damn video games!

That stupid bastard is flipping himself off.


In my opinion that is at least assault if not attempted murder. 
Fuck that goddamned prick.

The right gas station meal can be so healing, but the wrong gas station meal can set you back emotionally for years if not decades.

Speaking of unedible hot dogs...


Tornado Siren

If you are a fan of the absurd then you need to listen to this guy.

Marriage in a nutshell


A perfect illustration of the straw that broke the camel's back...
The first thing I did when I moved into my present house was to build a 20'x20' deck on the back. 20 years later when I paid some guys to haul it away they had to use chain saws and still had a hell of a time.

"Electrician? We don't need no stinkin' electrician."


In England “booster shot” is spelled “borchestershire shot”.



A 17-year-old girl in her Father's Igloo (circa 1950)

I've often written about the small size of the dating pool in small fishing villages and whatnot but young nomadic people must have had a hell of a time finding a mate. I'm of the belief that Stonehenge could very well have been a place for young people to find a mate.

Before ladder trucks, that's the way they made their way up to upper floors if the stairwell was ablaze. I saw one of those ladders in a fire station. The hook at the top was large enough to break the window and lock over the wall.

Illegal gambling machines are destroyed, in an oddly soothing way...

The whole video showed it doing that to all five of them and I watched it six times.

Earthquake in Tokyo

I would want OFF that bridge! Remember LA?

Another marvel of Yellowstone.
And that may be how Yellowstone got its name.

The making of a TV commercial
Did you notice that there are multiple takes? One looks like it fell over.





But wait...this revelation is even MORE damning...
They don't have to cheat because they are taxed so little!!!!


How about art is to entertain the eye and music is to entertain the ear?


Yeah, there are videos out there. He survived but totally fucked up his bones and organs.

A guy just fell from the sky and crushed this car...quick, what do we do? Take pictures, of course.


If you are a fish lover like I am, watch this:


Fuck him.

Is that safe?

It doesn't look safe.


Animal feed?

I got on a bus in Birmingham, Alabama in the mid-50s and the driver got up and moved the sign further back so I could sit.

Thus positioned an elderly black woman had to stand so that I could take her seat. Once seated I looked at her and indicated that she could sit next to me if she wanted. She smiled pitifully at me but shook her head no, then she patted me on the head. Even at that tender age, I knew that shit just wasn't right.

We are waging a war against a deadly pathogen.
And many people are simply AWOL.
Remember me telling you that as a gambler I know how to read the odds? Well, odds like this are hard to argue with...


What doesn’t kill you is just as disappointed as the rest of us.



I'll bet money that is not in America.



Do. Not. Bend. Over.


♫Sweet Caroline

Sound on - dark humor.

There's a dildo joke in here somewhere...

Even Mother Earth has her needs.










I think he's a newsman on camera.

The girl in the yellow shorts knows her shit.


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