About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 21, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Buried alive.

5% battery left.

Checks Facebook.

- My wife.




While on a road trip I walked into a convenience store and came upon a guy that looked just like this guy. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds then he walked up and handed me his professional Santa business card and said, "You should try it. You look perfect." I took it as a compliment.


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Zany Southerners.




That’s pretty in tents...

I wonder if laying in the tent would have stopped that. 
What do you think?

Motion Activated Sprinkler to keep kids off his lawn.

Don't be like that grumpy bastard. I would have put a shortcut walkway across my property. Those kids have been in school all day and they are tired.

It's nighttime so I forgive them.


The best part of parenting a teenager is realizing you’re arguing with a less mature version of yourself.



She looks all ready for the Wrestle Mania date with her first cousin...


Cone to mouth never mouth to a cone.


The cruelest of her tricks.

"Tattoos make even pretty girls look ugly."

Shut the fuck up!


I've always said that any more than a handful is wasted.


Julie Andrews...

Before the operation to remove her conjoined twin.

Seriously, I think having another human being growing inside your body and then nourishing that child to adulthood is the noblest thing a human can possibly do.
Also, there is no more perfect sound than a laughing child.

Find a woman who can cook...


Find a woman who is easy to laugh...


Being healthy is a big plus...

Role-playing is good.

Wait, wait. The word "straight" doesn't belong there.

Find a woman who is frugal...

Girl singing down a well beautifully...


I still laugh when I remember that Painted Ladies used to be a regular feature here on Folio Olio.


This is that beautiful young woman's name...
I like it. And it's okay to ask for help in the pronunciation. But the alternative is a country full of vanilla names that have been used to death.


When you have a toddler, everything in your house is either a bath toy or a bath toy.



Cave of the Crystals (Cueva de Los Cristales) is a cave at a depth of 980 ft, in Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico.

I watched a documentary about how very hot it is in there. Even with modern mitigation equipment, the scientists are limited to just a few minutes inside.

Stare at the flashing dot

Here's why that happens:

Activists, philosophers, and politicians are increasingly beginning to make this very claim about climate change: that inaction is not only irrational, a profound threat to our own sense of self-preservation, but immoral. It is immoral exactly because it threatens our self-interest.

Cause regular table tennis just wasn't hard enough.

Lion's Mane Mushroom

Hanoi 50 Years Later

"I came of age in the late 1960s when the word "Hanoi" was emblematic of the ongoing conflict in Vietnam.  Then today I encounter this: Billed as the world’s first gold-plated hotel, the Dolce by Wyndham Hanoi Golden Lake opened its luxurious doors in Vietnam’s capital city on July 2... The five-star hotel is filled with golden touches, including gold-plated tubs, sinks, and yes, even toilets, according to Reuters. Plus, there’s a 24-karat gold tiled infinity pool on the rooftop... Duong also said that about a ton (or 2,000 pounds) of gold was used to decorate the hotel. "

*Word on the street when I was serving in the military was that without us the country would sink back into a hunter/gatherer society.


I don't think karma works the way you think it does.

Tipping has long since outlived its usefulness. Just pay the servers more and charge me more and we'll call it even.


"Solar-powered lasers are installed in the Saudi desert to help guide the lost to water sources." 


When I was in Germany they had three-lane highways with the middle lane for passing - in both directions. It was terrifying. Now go back and look at the flashing lights on the car passing in the no-passing zone. That's what passing cars did when they entered the center passing lane. Mercedes drivers used to just stay in the center lane and more or less dare another car to challenge them.

"Troll farms—professionalized groups that work in a coordinated fashion to post provocative content, often propaganda, to social networks—were still building massive audiences by running networks of Facebook pages. Their content was reaching 140 million US users per month—75% of whom had never followed any of the pages. They were seeing the content because Facebook’s content-recommendation system had pushed it into their news feeds..."

*I've often posted my concerns that we are responding to Putin's playbook in our weakening of America. And his primary weapon is social platforms.

"The spectacular art gallery - scientists found 350 stone planes, each with dozens of drawings - was ‘opened’ at least two thousand years ago when ancient artists embossed petroglyphs on rocks of what is now  Chukotka, Russia’s easternmost corner."


That is one of the most extraordinary things I have ever seen.


They sell their time. If your outburst cost them time then you pay extra.

These are firefly squids.


Time-lapse of a school of small fish being eaten by larger fish.



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And he just sits there reevaluating every decision he has ever made that led him to that exact moment.


Like praying to the same God who gave you cancer to cure your cancer. That's bullshit.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

^^C10^^ We called the middle lanes "suicide lanes" growing up in Michigan.

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