About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

SUNDAY #4687

 One Of My Very Own





I'm going to burn in hell for this one...

A decade ago I told my favorite bartender that he should be a sports writer. He knows more about sports than anyone I have ever met and he is smart enough to succeed in his studies. A couple of days ago he called to say he was enrolled in journalism school and planned to be a sports writer. I told him that if he ran into a bind the Bank of Ralph was open.
I'm very proud of the man.



Amazon reviews are like

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: best product ever!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: so amazing must buy




Abandoned castle in France

From the comments:

"There are many castles/Manors in France and Italy that are essentially free to live in but you must do renovations."

"Watch Escape to the Chateau. A couple who actually did it. It helped that he is a very skilled engineer."


2000-year-old sapphire ring presumably belonged to Roman emperor Caligula thought depicting his fourth wife Caesonia.


The Veiled Christ, a 1753 marble sculpture by Giuseppe Sanmartino exhibited in the Cappella Sansevero in Naples. Due to its incredible detail, there was a legend that said that the statue was covered by a real veil and slowly transformed over time into marble via chemical processes.


The first-ever drawings of the moon were made by Galileo Galilei after observing it through his telescope in 1609.


An 8-mile long "canvas" filled with ice age drawings of extinct animals has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest.


In the small village of Nashtifan, Iran, some of the oldest windmills in the world still spin. Made of natural clay, straw, and wood, the windmills have been milling grain for flour for an estimated 1,000 years.


2,300 years old Scythian woman's boot preserved in the frozen ground of the Altai Mountains.


A Viking-era ring inscribed with the words 'for Allah', found in the grave of a woman who was buried 1200 years ago in Birka, 25 km west of modern-day Stockholm. The ring constitutes unique material evidence of direct contact between the Vikings and the Abbasid Caliphate.


Small sculpture of death with a bow made in 1520 Germany.


1,500-year-old Ceramic Maya Figurine with Removable Helmet, from El Perú-Waka', Petén, Guatemala.


In 1965, excavations in Mezhyrich, Ukraine, revealed the presence of 4 huts, made up of a total of 149 mammoth bones. These dwellings, which are about 15,000 years old, are some of the oldest shelters known to have been constructed by prehistoric men.


A gun was hidden within a bible, made for Francesco Morosini, Doge of Venice (1619-1694). The owner of the bible could pull the silk bookmark to shoot while the book was still closed. Now on display at the Museo Correr in Venice.


An ancient Egyptian gold ring with a carnelian bezel in form of a cat. From the Third Intermediate Period (1070–712 BC), it's now in the collection of the British Museum.


A 9000-year-old cave painting in Tassili cave Algeria. Depicting a shaman during psychedelic mushroom use.


One of the 4000-year-old well-preserved wagons was unearthed in the Lchashen village in the vicinity of Lake Sevan. Made of oak, they are the oldest known wagons in the world. Now on display at the History Museum of Armenia.



Can’t believe alcohol is the legal one. When I get too drunk I want to make the worst mistakes of my life. When I get too high I want to mix all the dipping sauces and be a better friend...and giggle, of course.


Once you go duck…



*Viewer Contribution


Deer looks back, "Did you just see that shit?"


Must be a drywall man by trade.



That always makes me smile.

A new take on being a good worker.



Getting past Russian immigration




Wall Ball

"Please do not throw golf balls at the sign."???




Is it any wonder that they have long been associated with evil and witches?


Better than Formula 1 + MotoGP

You really need to watch that...all the way to the end.


I GOT INTO HARVARD!! They left a first-floor window unlocked and I’m just walking around in here!

*I bought a Yale T-shirt and when people asked if I went to Yale I would say, " Yeah, that's where I bought the shirt."



This is his explanation of that extraordinary image:

The International Space Station flew over to my house last night at 7:39pm.  I caught it using my smartphone mounted to my telescope. It arrived over the Northwest horizon, flew overhead, and disappeared to the Southeast. Throughout the GIF, you can see the rotation of the perspective. Due to clouds, I only captured half of the trajectory. The "tumbling" nature of the view is actually just the change in perspective as it flies overhead. Imagine an airplane flying over. From far away, you would see the nose head-on, then the bottom, etc.


Did he actually say that? Hell, I don't know. But it needed saying so I posted it.

Don't be too proud to seek help, my friends. They do phone counseling now that helps many people.

How to lose your Lambo in less than 2 hours

Earlier this year a new law in Denmark made it possible for police to confiscate and sell off a car if a driver was guilty of "reckless driving", which includes either speeding over twice the permitted limit, speeding with over 125 mph, or driving with a blood-alcohol level over 0.2 %. So a Norwegian guy just traveled to Germany to pick up his brand new Lamborghini Huracan and was caught a few hours later on his way through Denmark with more than 146 mph. Bad luck, cause he got caught and now will likely lose his car pending a court hearing (which he will lose).

The law does not care who owns the car and many renting companies have lost their cars, as have friends who have lent their cars to other friends, or sons who borrowed daddy's car. And to be honest, that's perfectly fine by me!

*Verification Required


As I understand it, it's not so much that she spread a falsehood but rather that she KNEW it was false and did it anyway.

*Oops. I think you accidentally said the thing out loud.


I am not on any social platform...except for my blog, of course.


If you want to scare them just throw out the word "communism" or "socialism". My advice is for him to stick to talking snakes and unicorns.




It's not just that they didn't join the fight against the pandemic - THEY JOINED THE ENEMY!

^^D 1-5^^









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Ladies, Sailed

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