One Of My Very Own
Just totally rational people. Not at all extreme or crazy. Totally. Rational. People.
*Verification Required
I've asked this before but now I'm going to make it a statement of fact: Everyone would panic if 10 or so people in America had all the money. And I could assume everyone would panic if they had 99% of the money. So what we are talking about is where to place the limit. You might think that because of their hard work and superior brains that they deserve 90% whereas I might think they only deserve 80%. So this whole exercise is merely to determine where to draw the line.
There were whole schools of thought - and history - that predicted a prolonged war in Afghanistan would be a disaster. Ever wonder why we stayed for 20 years anyway?
Socialism = Thinking the primary function of government is the welfare of all the people.
Welfare = The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
An educated populous is a nation's greatest strength. I America we charge a young person $400K to achieve something that we desperately need for him/her to achieve.
The greatest feat of the super-rich is convincing us we are powerless. And that is why they desperately want you to lose faith in the ballot box.
12-year-old neighbor only wanted one thing for her birthday - a covid vaccine.
Most Contagious Laugh
Terrifying 911 Call
The average IQ in the United States just increased a bit.
Chechens are the Florida version of Russians
And, no, it wasn't faked.People who are carefully...
Please remember that any large organization can and will have miscreants. But what makes the Catholic Church so much worse is that its leadership was complicit in the protection and harboring of know offenders. There should be hundreds - if not thousands - of them in jail.
Did you notice that three of them had wavy grid flooring?
Once a student told me cocaine came from TikTok and then that class got a lot more interesting.
To Beat the Heat, Phoenix Paints Its Streets with a Gray
The reflective material that lowers road surface temperatures.
I've suggested that they do that to every building's roof.
What is happening in La Palma?
I found this very interesting.
Give your hardest problem to your laziest person and they will come up with the best solution.
This was a comment:
"At first glance, this might look like a neat idea. Your cargo will be stabilized no matter how much you move, but... why does your cargo need to be stabilized? In a well-packed pack, nothing moves inside the bag or jostles that much at all. Then you've got the extra poundage from the metal pieces (they stopped using metal in these bags like 20 years ago), and not to mention the constantly shifting center of gravity. Usually, in packing theory you want the load to be as secure to your body as possible, only moving with your body. What do you call a product that has such superfluous and even damaging features? There has to be a word for it."
Saving a snake who ate a ball...
He had to squeeze it up and out from about a foot down its throat.
Dogs could help you hunt. Pigs, goats, and cows could make sure you don't starve in the winter. But horses meant you could go to war...and win.

Why don't people who live near such threats carry weapons?

God is dead.

That's one of my oldest OOMVO. Back when I used a Comic Sans font.
I still call them Angels because they all used to be about religion.
And, yes, I have over a year of them in the can ready to do.<>

Puzzle Time
East, 2 miles.
so, they are painting the streets white.
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