About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 22, 2021

MONDAY #4716

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Remember this guy?

I predicted his acquittal as soon as I saw one of his victims charging at him aggressively as he was fleeing.

Here are some other things I seem to remember from the trial:

I didn't know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow it up, with people all around.

I didn't know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed. 

I didn't know that Kyles's Dad, Grandma, and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part-time in Illinois. 

I didn't know that Joseph Rosenbaum knocked him down twice and then attempted to kick him in the head. 

I didn't know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard. 

I didn't know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of a firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand. 

I also didn't know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed). 

I didn't know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn't supposed to have. The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do. 

I also didn't realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted woman beater. I didn't know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.

*Verification Requested

*None of that means I am an advocate of everybody taking a weapon to demonstrations.




Pretty upsetting that this is long into the pandemic and some people are still refusing to take their work home with them… Like my children’s babysitter.




My father had a younger brother - Uncle Andrew. In the late 1930s, my uncle moved to Canada just to join their Air Force and be shipped to England to shoot down Nazis. He was there for three years before he could come home on leave. But since America had joined the war by then he was promptly arrested for dodging the American draft. His excuse that he had been killing Nazis for years only held up after my father had a personal conference with the judge. I'm not sure if he would be counted in the 9 from America or the 112 from Canada.


My wife paid half of the health insurance premiums on her full-time employees. She also paid them very well. She had very loyal, hardworking employees. If she could do it, so can other small businesses.

I laugh every time I hear of people believing an anonymous source named after an all-powerful, all-knowing movie character.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


We Americans are acting exactly like our adversaries - Russia, China, and North Korea - want us to behave. The weakening of America through infighting plays right into their hands.


I have no idea what the right words are but I've always thought these sound profound: "Suicide doesn't remove the pain it just passes it on to someone else".


The "Masks don't work" one baffles me. Have none of those people seen M.A.S.H.?



A new poll found that

25% of Americans believe the vaccine contains a chip that tracks you. 21% believe that the vaccine alters your DNA.

This dumbing down of America ought to scare the holy shit out of everyone.


I'm still waiting for the insurance companies to start either to deny coverage to unvaccinated people or to double or triple their premiums. Why should your provider take such a risk without added revenue?


Me: *jumping out of a cake*

A guy in the next urinal: DUDE?



*The source is underlined in white.


Who the fuck takes a receipt anymore? I don't even accept a receipt from a drive-thru.


Not if I eat the Mona Lisa.


I ran across collections of photographs of beaches. This was included:

I, of course, enlarged it to look for Holey Moleys. I found sloppy ones but not one perfectly round small hole that I'm used to. Also, most of the shells are upside down which is odd.


Or not.



My favorite site changes their next page button with an ad button randomly and it drives me nuts.

I remember asking you people if it were a good idea if I monetized Folio Olio with ads and several of you commented that you would never visit again if I did.

*Two weeks later: I was looking for a new blog site host because this one just takes too much time. I, of course, typed in "free" in my search window. Well, I found one and spent an hour setting it up and at the very, very end I was informed that to go ad-free I had to pay for their premium account. Fuck that!


*That statement was not often spoken.

I'm reminded of Robin Williams saying that in the history of man he was the only one to say, "After I stick this hot poker up my ass I'm going to cut my dick off." He's probably right. 

Also, "Take the girl but leave me alone."


I'm also a fan of the goofy. I call it going to Goofyland and my students used to love it.


I'll take that as rejection.


Speaking of...

I'm wondering if that's the same dog.



Bear protecting his kill

They eventually ran away and left it alone.


I don't really see the shame in it except maybe she shacked up with a guy that wouldn't even drive her home.


How to find a Tardigrade.


Starlings living in Scandinavia during summer cross the North Sea to the Netherlands in autumn.

I guess they land on passing ships to get a bit of a respite.


That reminded me of Final Destination. 

Imagine this ejected piston hitting you in the face!


Tunnel Pass Project. 44 seconds of madness and adrenaline vs. Guinness World Records


I was thinking that he was stealing a pig in a polk but then I remembered that some backpacks cost $100.



A. He eats it.

B. It stings his lip.

C. His exhale kills it.

D. He gets his teeth cleaned.


D. He gets his teeth cleaned.

*Try holding your breath that long.


If you have an easy firstborn child, don’t feel good about yourself. It’s a trick from Mother Nature so you, fueled by false confidence, reproduce again. Your second will be a natural-born abuser who likes to bite and never, ever sleeps.



This is what 60,000 Lumens can do...

But one must exercise caution...


*DO NOT try this at home.


Singapore Airport

Can I assume it's a huge Plexiglass cylinder?


This was all over the news and could potentially save lives.


How China manages intersections...

How India mismanages intersections...



Artificial bait is about as live-looking as you can get...


This genuinely surprised me.



Yarn winder

The final results...


"Hell, I could have photographed that," said the person who knows nothing of photography.

The trick is knowing what is photographable and positioning yourself to get the shot.


Pay Attention


I wish I knew how to crop out those words. I posted it to comment on how war or fear of war really brings out our ingenuity.


Speaking of...

"Missile inbound, brace for a shock!"

January 21, 1991, Persian Gulf, the USS Missouri was providing firepower for shore bombardment. Iraqi forces stationed along the Kuwait coast launched anti-ship missiles. That is the scene inside of Missouri's main battery plotting room.

British warships were escorting the fleet, their anti-missile systems intercepted all inbound missiles.

(missile approaching from left)


You really need to watch the full video to see how close we came to losing a capital ship.

But in a conflict with another major power like China or Russia, they would send 50 or a hundred and there would be no way to stop them all.






This is my all-time favorite OOMVO...



Proof that cold weather makes people lose their minds.


What is this made to serve?



Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn't supposed to have. The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do.

*Verification Requested

Everything there is mostly accurate, except for the gun part quoted above.
The AR-15 never crossed state lines. It was purchased by Dominick Black in Ladysmith, Wisconsin and it was kept in a safe in a Black family residence in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Fardygardy said...

about Kenosha/Rittenhouse

I have seen the list of "What I didn't know about the Rittenhouse matter until the trial on FB, Twitter, etc. Rather than commenting on "what I didn't know", I think it is much more interesting to note that millions of people knew that information (or at least, most of it) over a year ago, during initial reporting. Why didn't you know? Tine to reflect.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Fardygardy, Reflecting now.
Sorry to disappoint you.

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