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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




"Well, I worked my way through college with a part-time job so why can't they?"

People who say things like that don't have a clue.


Hammocks ought to be provided by the airport when there are long delays.


How does a website improve your credit score just by clicking on it? Anybody?


Altruism used to be the norm in America. Remember the hobo markings on fence posts indicating a location for assistance? What has happened to us? Now anyone without a job or a place to live is considered untouchables. I miss the time when people cared.

*And leave the cat behind.

And I would assume most of the unvaccinated are of the conservative persuasion who believe in pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and this is their opportunity to show us how it's done.

Their biggest mistake was thinking that these next people are motivated by their viewers' best interests. 

They are not.
^^A 5-9^^

I never dreamed that this country would be threatened by people who don't want to choose leaders by the voice of the people. 

*Anybody who still thinks the last election was stolen please send me all the facts you have to support that conclusion...facts, not rumors.


The workers who just months ago were called essential heroes got absolutely nothing for their sacrifice. Now that the employers have fucked around they are finding out that people can only be fuck so many times until they walk away.

Historians could call the present economic period The Era of Dehumanization.

If my wife's employees asked for it I am sure she would have allowed this...

^^A 11-12^^

What a wonderful observation.


Franco Harris and the Immaculate Reception

The ball bounced off the intended receiver and Franco scoops it up on the rebound just before it hit the ground and runs it in for the score.

I watched that happen live on TV in 1972. Plays like that is why we watch the game.


Or take a baked good to a neighbor. Or ask a young college student if they need money. Or tip your servers a little extra. You know - be a nice guy.

*QUESTION: Today my wife found a package of homemade cookies on our porch. It had no note or other indication of who baked them. Would you eat them?

If you step on a person's foot they will open their mouths just like a trash can.



Why Is This Bread Sliced Horizontally?

A popular Quebecois dish at Christmastime is a pain sandwich. That makes a little more sense when you learn that "pain" is the French word for bread. This food consists of various deli mixes, such as egg salad, chopped ham, or chicken salad, layered between slices of bread arranged like a layer cake. Cream cheese is the most common "frosting". Chop off a slice and serve it with a fork.


This horse head is now in the Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, China.

It was excavated from the Sanxingdui archaeological site and is estimated to be over 3,000 years old. But it looks quite modern, doesn't it? In fact, it looks downright familiar. What does it remind you of? Commenters suggested the Donkey from Shrek, Quickdraw McGraw, and Marty the Zebra. The consensus is that ancient Chinese craftsmen were really into Disney/Pixar characters. Or maybe our modern age animations are just another step in a long lineage of amusing art. It's not the only stylized Sanxingdui relic that resembles modern pop culture characters.


And that's why I taught my daughters not to take shit from anybody.

After Julius Caesar had defeated the Gaul's cavalry, Vercingetorix withdrew to the hilltop of Alesia and called for massive reinforcements. Meanwhile, Caesar built one wall to keep Vercingetorix in (circumvallation) and another wall (contravallation) to keep the reinforcements out.

And all that open ground was littered with Caltrops.

They were very easy to make and would stop a soldier or a horse in its tracks.

Notice that no matter how it landed on the ground there was always a spike pointing upward to impale a foot or hoof.

Spread the word...


Vanadinite from Atlas Mountains, Mibladen, Morocco.

I will never forget a beautiful bartender lamenting about her geology class and all the different kinds of rocks she had to learn. I quickly reminded her that there was no such thing as bad knowledge.




My landlord in Germany was a soldier in WWII and he told us a story about coming over a hill and seeing a black American soldier for the first time. He thought it was some kind of paint that would make the soldier invincible. Then he laughed and laughed.

But my landlord was alive so the part of the story that was untold was that he killed the black American.

Bless her heart.

More ant death facts:


When my wife was born they brought the wrong baby to my wife's mother. Her mother nursed it before the error was detected and they brought my wife to her proper mother. Come to find out my wife had been nursed by a black woman and she credits that for not having a prejudice bone in her body.

Getting hamsters drunk is actually next to impossible as they have an insanely high alcohol tolerance. 

Hamsters can drink 10 times the amount of alcohol humans could drink (when adjusted for body weight) before they show any signs of impairment. Plus, they don't get hangovers!


Do you think it killed the fox? That seems unlikely. I'm thinking it was scavenged.





I'm not sure I understand that. If you can make sense of it then please help me understand.

No one talks about how there was an honest-to-goodness brothel in Aladdin and all of the women there "knew" Aladdin.

*Hell, I don't understand that either. Anybody?


Some of us are more observant than others. What oddness do you see in this photograph?

I noticed her freakishly tiny hands.

See anything odd in the logos?

The Brown's logo looks like a chocolate bunny pushing a shopping cart.


I don't think so. I have visited there a dozen times and I don't remember an apartment close enough to get that view.


When I get too old to move about my studio I think I'll take up whittling again.


When most children are in danger most parents will do EVERYTHING they can to keep them safe. Wild animals in your neighborhood? Put more locks on the doors, bars on the windows, fence around the house, purchase powerful weapons, and maybe build a safe room.

But when the danger is a virus many people opt for doing the very least they can do to protect their children. I don't get it.

It's even odder in that she's in Pakistan.


Modified truck



*I wonder how many of you recognize him.

ADDED LATER: I have found an interview with the creator of these toys. Expect in 2 weeks.

Who was the most creative: the people who did the hiding or the people who did the finding?




"Stop filming and help me reload..."



That is very, very clever.


While on lockdown? I'm eating Cheetos in my recliner. You?


Mono track electric all-terrain vehicle

Arsonists set fire to the monument at the southernmost point in the US.


Vehicle Tent

What a great idea.


The problem with e-books is that after I've finished them I can't put them on my trophy shelf like a serial killer.




A starfish's mouth is in the center. 

Mermaids wear them as bras.








Both looking for Latinas but for different reasons.










And the winner is...


-sound on-


ponder said...


There are apartments within 100m on two sides of Eiffel that would give you that view with the correct lens.



ponder said...


Powers Boothe

Saw him in By Dawn's Early Light I watched just last week.

Anonymous said...

A 5-9
Let's say I have high cholesterol. my doctor prescribes medicine to bring it down and tells me to lose weight, exercise more. and eat healthier. I take the medicine maybe half the time, don't change my diet and I gain 40 pounds. I end up having a heart attack due to a blockage resulting from my high cholesterol and poor cardiovascular physiology and need bypass surgery...does my insurance pay or must I "take responsibility for my carelessness "?
I think we should all get (if possible) vaccinated. but if we allow insurance companies to deny coverage for not doing something we should have done, then we are all screwed.

Anonymous said...

A16 about the cookies. Sadly No. I can only dream of a world where I would have no reservations about eating an anonymous gift of cookies. Why does this make me sad?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder, I was actually referring to the character he played.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A5-9 Anon, Excellent point.

ponder said...

"Dear Ponder, I was actually referring to the character he played." - RH

Not sure I follow as it's a fictional character. I'm not American but if there's a similarity to a real person then I'd guess John McCain maybe?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder,
He's the pilot in the movie Wolverines.

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