About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*Verification Requested


This is the same Ukrainian...




Leroy Merlin is a French-headquartered home improvement chain that continues to operate 112 stores in Russia. Russia bombed a Leroy Merlin in Kyiv.



"A Russian soldier handed over a tank to Ukrainian soldiers "Misha" called us a few days ago."

"We passed information about him to the Central Intelligence Agency of Ukraine. He was assigned a place to approach. He drove up there in a tank. From a drone, they were convinced that he and it isn't an ambush. After that special forces detained him. It turned out that he was left alone by the tank crew, the rest fled home. He saw no point in fighting. He could not return home because the commander said he would kill and write off the battle losses. Misha said that there was almost nothing left, the command of the troops was chaotic and practically absent. The demoralization is enormous.

What about Misha? Misha received comfortable conditions. He will also receive $ 10,000 after the end of the war and the opportunity to apply for Ukrainian citizenship. Until the end of the war, he will live in comfortable conditions with TV, telephone, kitchen, and shower."


Clinton and George Bush laid flowers outside Ukrainian Church in Chicago yesterday


Ordinary Russians show their love for Putin




We had a huge stew pot that served all of those purposes. When my mother died we had a long discussion as to who should get it.




*"In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. And then the murders began."










I usually design every detail of my boxes in my head at night.


Whoever keeps Arizona Iced Tea at 99ยข should be in charge of inflation.


Behind every accomplished child, there is an astonished mother.



Maritime insurance must be big business. As I recall Lloyd's of London insures(d) most of it. But Lloyd's is not an insurance company but rather a group of wealthy men who pledge their estate to cover the losses.



My grandmother STARTED smoking when she was 75 years old and she sneaked around like that also. My mother never had a drop of alcohol pass her lips until she discovered wine coolers at 70.


^^B 8-9^^

It's a national disgrace.



So, now we can add being shelled by an invading army to the dangers of nuclear power.


If you get upset over young white rapists getting off cheap then their "punishment" should upset you.


We've found the racist


Cars have windows and move. Houses have windows and don't move. So it's not the windows that make the car move, it's something else entirely.


*My wife has done that for me.


Hey Walmart, don't get pissed at me if I forget to scan something. You literally gave me zero training before making me a cashier.


I once opined that fighter jets need weapons that shoot down missiles targeting them. A viewer stated that it wouldn't work because of all the extreme maneuvering. But if the defensive weapon was a guided missile it should be able to find the incoming missile the same way the incoming missile finds the maneuvering aircraft.


I noticed the "4" immediately but then I remember reading something about it being allowable on clock faces. A quick Google image search seemed to suggest that is correct.





I wonder if that many tires would make it float. Anybody?


I'm all in favor of inventing your own traditions. That looks like a prime example.




I would not like a photographer involved in such an emotional time in my life.



A gay Jewish wedding where they rode in on a horse dressed as a unicorn.

It's official. I've seen everything now.


A fear of giants is called feefiphobia.

I was once in a men's room peeing and the guy in the stall had explosively loud diarrhea. I laughed and the guy two urinals down told me not to laugh. I told the guy not to talk to me while my dick is in my hand and the explosive diarrhea guy laughed. The whole thing was just bizarre.


Is that the bird's ball sacks hanging down?


I have a thing for sinkholes.





A 1000 Pound Bluefin Tuna landed solo by Michelle Bancewicz Cicale


Eagle Release

Did you notice he chose a very windy hillside?


How high's the water, Momma?

And even if you keep the water mostly out of your house...

There is a real risk of deadly mildew.

And as I understand it, cars that are flooded rust from the inside out, and there is nothing to do about it.









How many numbers can you find?


ponder said...


"Sutton agreed that there was no evidence in this case of any force or coercion, but indicated that the girl was too intoxicated to give consent."

If the girl is 14yrs old how can she give consent? Even if sober and consenting it would still be statutory rape?


Anonymous said...

B 8-9
As long as our politicians are for sale, it doesn't matter how many people are for universal health care.

Anonymous said...

B13 .....

Men have been raping women...... and getting away with it since the beginning of time. From my experiences, 14 year old girls are prime targets. I lived on a US Military Base and 14 year old girls were getting raped left and right. No one was punished except the few girls who ended up pregnant. They were shammed and banished. I was sexually assaulted at 14 a few times. Same as rape without penetration because it was done in public with other kids near by who did nothing. You would not believe how many rapes go unreported! I was raped at 18 and told no one because it was the 1970's and women knew they were better off not reporting it. I think ONE fair punishment would be for all these men to be held down and raped. ๐Ÿ‘

Anonymous said...

Since you generally don't fact-check your own blog and leave it up to your readers, I thought this might be helpful:


This poll is from a year ago...I couldn't find anything more recent, but that doesn't mean there's not something newer.

62% of Republicans oppose Medicare for all. However, 54% are in favor of a public option, which is different.

Anonymous said...

B14: BLM is not only racist but also corrupt.

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