About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 5, 2022

MONDAY #5003

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




On my trips through the West, there were many times the highway and railroad followed the river through the mountains.





As I understand it, they have removing the dick vein-looking ridges.


Pattern Recognition, Tom Hegen



Searles Lake is a dry basin in the Mojave Desert, close to the Death Valley National Park in California, United States of America. Searles Lake, bounded by mountains, has no outlet. Glaciers from the Sierra Nevada Range once fed the lake with water and sediments. Over thousands of years, retreating glaciers have carried less and less water into the lake, which gradually dried up due to climatic changes.


Paper Boat, Melf

When I used to draw, I mostly used crosshatching.





Did you notice that the bullet has not been fired?


That made me yawn. True!



There is no purer joy.


I would like to see drones do that.


Frank Rispoli


Segue to the next image.



Why does the radio stop to tell you they play nonstop music?


Just a friendly reminder that NOBODY rewatches firework videos.



See anything odd?

Well, I for one found her foot odd.


What's holding it up?

Maybe lifted by a hidden forklift...or the click of a few computer buttons.


Why are hamburgers considered junk food?

It's a ground steak, salad, cheese, and bread.


Why not just put the sidewalks where the people walk?


Could this possibly be real?


Have you ever driven on a road so far out in the middle of nowhere that you could stop and pee on the center line?

I have many times.


Is this faked?


What is that? A Superpower Cord?



If you say "FUCK OFF" backward it still says fuck off but in an Irish accent.


If you really want to piss someone off when introducing them make little finger quotation marks in the air when announcing their job title.



All ball gunners volunteered for the job.

Only smaller men could fit.

There was no passage from the turret to inside the plane.

The turrets had no armor.

And if anything happened to the hydraulic system or any other part of the landing gear he would die.


A 1500 yr old arrow was found on the ice shelf.





George Washington only had one real tooth left when he was elected to the Presidency in 1789. When he finally had his last real tooth pulled in 1796, he gave it to his dentist as a gift. Dr. John Greenwood kept the tooth in a tiny glass case that hung from his watch chain.



Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous painting, “The Starry Night,” represents his view from the Saint-Paul de Mausole asylum in France. Van Gogh had signed himself into the asylum after experiencing a mental breakdown. In the painting, he left out the bars on his windows and included more countryside than he could visibly see from his window.





Spanish town submerged in sea foam, the motion of waves agitating the water with dissolved organic matter, algal blooms are a common source of sea foams, breaking down offshore churned up by the waves to create a thick foam.



A brand new ant species was discovered in Manhattan in 2012. It was named the Manhattan and was found at the Broadway medians between 63rd and 76th streets in New York City.

Scientists believed the ant had originated in Europe until they realized it was a brand new species.

*I wonder if Noah had two of them on his boat.


Earth’s continental plates accelerate to speeds up to 20 times faster than normal when the planet is going through periods of extreme strain. Approximately 200 years ago, the plates began to drift at a speed of 20 millimeters per year.


A fishing lure that moves like it's alive in the water.


Nearly half of all panda births result in twins, yet it is rare for both to survive. After giving birth, pandas choose one cub to raise and abandon the other. They do this because their diet of bamboo does not allow for enough milk to be produced to feed two cubs.





Back when I used to have sex regularly my back and leg cramps let me know when to change positions.


Thanksgiving IS NOT the time for experimenting with new dishes for the first time.



I once had a bartender who hated black people because he was in high school with South Carolina desegregate and the black kids that came to his school used to beat the shit out of him. The notion expressed in the above sign was totally lost on him.



I had to look it up:

As I did stand my watch upon the hill, I look'd toward Birnam, and anon, methought, The wood began to move.


My wife has received 7 requests for money from REPUBLICANS...IN ONE DAY!


Maybe not everything, but most of the oppressive shit.


Do you fall for this fallacy: 

They might be morons but they are OUR morons.


I once drove to a shady area out in the countryside in Germany to change my intake manifold that had rusted through.

I had thought that I could just unbolt the old and bolt on the new. But because of its shape, I had to remove damn near EVERY part on the motor to swap it out. But ultimately I got it running again.


Governing Done Right








This pose says it all...



Men will notice her mistake.


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: I immediately saw it. The toilet paper is on backwards. The leading edge is supposed to hang over the front of the roll, not behind it.

She also keeps her toilet seat in the up position when not in use (reflection in shower door).

One could argue that the unusual amount of white area visible in the eyes suggests she is crazy anyway. My dad always said, "stay away from a woman who has too much of the whites-of-the-eyes showing."

Anonymous said...

when i was a kid i tried doing a pop a wheelie with my bike and the front tire fell off, it remains a mystery to this day of how the nut holding the tire came loose

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