About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 8, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I kissed my wife goodbye and told her I would see her again in February. The NFL starts TONIGHT!!!!



It was a huge disappointment as a child to sit in awe staring at the stars and then learning how much math it would require to get anywhere near one.


I just read that a cowboy cat would say "meowday" but I think it would be funnier if it said, "kitty up".



When I was in high school in Oklahoma in the 1960s, many of the boys would spend their summers at "harvest". Farmers do not own their own harvesters, instead relying on companies who sweep in with tons of equipment and harvest the crop for a fee. Teenage boys were hired to travel all around the midwest, working all day, and sleeping in mobile dormitories. Many came home with enough money to buy a new car.



Before I became a licensed teacher I owned a bar in Myrtle Beach. One day a male teacher came in and got shit-faced all the while bemoaning how he hated his job. I asked if it was because of misbehaving children and he laughed and said, "Oh, hell, no! The kids are great. They are all so thirsty for knowledge I can hardly keep up with them. It's the administration. The suits simply won't leave us alone to do our jobs."


*Probably not that.

(Sorry I lost the source)



Remember when Americans had a fine-tuned crap detector?


Then there's this lady.

Not enough of you voted in 2016 and Donald Trump became president and as such had the authority to appoint judges. He appointed that lady and any perceived errors she makes are YOUR FAULT for not voting in sufficient numbers back in '16.

This is the system that has served us well for 200 years and you may not like this or that ruling but by god that's the system we have all agreed upon. So shut the fuck up because at this point it's only whining.


How anonymous trolls in my comment box view their assaults...

How it really is...


I have a renter who dog sits for rich people. It is amazing how much money some people will pay just so they don't have to put their dog in a kennel when they travel - and rich people travel A LOT.



Do you think they practice in front of a large mirror? Anyway, that is very impressive.


The complexity of Brian Ferneyhough Composer Brian Ferneyhough is known as the "Father of the New Complexity" movement in classical music. The movement, as its name implies, places a great value on complexity. 

-sound on-



The entire scientific world: The Earth is getting dangerously hotter and threatens our very existence

Dave936 on Twitter: I was 9 in 1976 and I remember it being hot. There’s nothing to worry about, have an ice cream.


Wizard of Oz: The good news is I can give you a human heart.

Tin Man: Then what’s the bad news?

Wizard of Oz: We’re gonna need someone to make some sacrifices. *side nodding at Dorothy*





The importance of teamwork.


Suppose you were on a deserted island and every calorie was important. Then you came upon an egg. Which would be more nutritious - eating the egg or waiting for it to hatch then eating the chick?


Human-sized dog bed




The M16 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage firing its four .50 caliber M2 Browning machine guns on an M45 Quadmount.

Number built: 3,550

-wait for the night view-


Homing Parrot

How the hell do you teach a parrot to do that?


I went through multiple emotions watching this.




There is nothing more wonderful than the laughter of children, except possibly my own laughter when I’m chasing them off my lawn while swinging a 2×4 with a nail in it.


We all make silly mistakes like when I asked the lady with massive lip injections if she was allergic to bees.



The US Army is developing a tactical bra for its female soldiers.

The bra, known as the Army Tactical Brassiere, is still in development at the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Solider Center, also known as DEVCOM, in Natick, Massachusetts. If approved by the Army Uniform Board, it will be the first official uniform bra the Army has offered its female soldiers in its history.



Breast Douche




Gable and Harlow, Red Dust 1930, pre-Hays Code (and a bit handsy)



Before we married, my wife talked me into going to her high school reunion. Fashionably late, the class nerd arrived in a limo and got out with one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I pegged her for an expensive hooker and the limo as a rental.


Has the internet ruined you also?




Guys used to masturbate to images like that.


Twat Waffles


Yeah, I know that's old, but it is so clever.







The Argus reports that "A builder was knocked unconscious when he was hit with a bottle of pee which dropped from a 50-meter crane."

The story reminds me of a viral image that circulated widely about 20 years ago, claiming to show a woman "pierced by a shaft of frozen urine."

 (The image was a hoax).











At one point in my life, I would watch a beautiful young woman practice the piano for hours every day.



MacGyver said...

Puzzle Time: it took me a moment, but the correct answer is block "B".
The three given blocks are abstract pictograms of English letters N, E, and S, and are arranged as cardinal compass points. Block "B" represents the missing W at the fourth point.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: B
Hint: focus on yellow space.

Anonymous said...

A1 ...... My husband grew up on a farm/ranch in Montana. One year (1969), the man who would usually harvest the crops drove up with $750K worth of new equipment. Apparently, the man (from Drummond, Oklahoma) hit the jackpot with natural gas on his property and was getting enormous monthly checks for it. My Father-in-law looked at the new equipment and said, "Ya know Darrell, if I had $750K to spend on farm equipment, I wouldn't be doing this work anymore." Darrell harvested my Father-in-law's land and then went straight home bypassing all the other farms he usually harvested. After 20+ years of harvesting and a strong work ethic, it never occurred to Darrell that he didn't have to do this work anymore.

Anonymous said...

I visit a lot of different websites and blogs. Yours is the only one with this statement
Where is it from?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A6 Anon, The best I can remember I pulled it right off the Qanon website so you know it must be true.

Wrekreation said...

a6 - from SNOPES
"The August 2022 tweet from The Halfway Post wasn’t the first time the account published a “satirical” message that claimed Trump told his supporters to “boycott” the midterm elections, as we previously reported.

Separately, it’s true that Trump did once put out a statement in October 2021 that said, “Republicans will not be voting in ’22 or ’24,” if the country doesn’t “solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020” — referring to the false and debunked idea that massive voter fraud plagued the 2020 presidential election between Trump and U.S. President Joe Biden. This genuine message from Trump was unrelated to the August 2022 tweet from The Halfway Post that referenced the DOJ."

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