About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 15, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com












*Verification Requested










Anything different scares some people. The only thing guaranteed in life is change. Embrace it.




I'm reminded of Big Tobacco when study after study proved that smoking caused cancer. They knew they could not disprove the facts so they funded countless studies to "prove" hundreds of common substances and products caused cancer.


As I understand it, football programs bring in a ton of money.


I'd like to see that.



Amazon is always telling me that there are only 2 left in stock and I should order soon. NO! YOU order soon - you're the store!

*I think that's all made-up bullshit anyway.


I'm incredibly impatient for someone who lived through the dial-up era.



The Czech Republic has the largest beer consumption per capita in the world (140.2 liters a year).

The Czech Republic is by far the largest poppy seed producer in the world.

The Czech Republic is the homeland of the 2nd (Tatra) and 5th (Škoda) oldest car brands in the world. The country is the 2nd largest car producer per capita in the world.

The Czech Republic has the 3rd largest number of pornstars in the world (1st per capita).

The national sport of the Czech Republic is ice hockey. The Czech ice hockey team has won 6 World Championships and 1 Olympic gold since 1993.

The Czech Republic is one of the most peaceful and safest countries in the world.

Although the Czech Republic has a very high highest density of churches, it is the least religious country in the world.

The Czech Republic has the second highest railway density in the world.

The Czech Republic is an acknowledged specialist in the defense and aeronautics industry. "CZ" company is among the top ten small arms manufacturers in the world and five that manufacture automatic firearms. 

Last year CZ has closed on the acquisition of Colt.

The country now hosts the largest number of Ukrainian refugees per capita in the World.

Czechs have the world’s best sense of humor, according to former Monty Python member Sir Michael Palin.

The most important Czech inventions are - contact lenses, sugar cubes, semtex, and nanofibres. The word "robot" comes from the Czech language.

And they joined NATO to protect it all.



If your coffee order is more than four words you are part of the problem.


To avoid straining your eyes when you are continuously working, follow the 20-20-20 rule. After 20 minutes of work look at something 20 feet away, then spend 20 years in the forest.







An accessory cloud can often be seen just above Mount Teide’s summit.

 Such cloud formations are always attention-getting, such as this lenticular cloud. Teide, or Mount Teide, is a volcano in Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Spain. Its summit is the highest point in Spain and the highest point above sea level in the islands of the Atlantic.



Bug Bike?



Tank Weaving

Someone said it’s a fiber tank. The shell is being shaped and it’ll be solidified with an epoxy resin.

*Verification Requested


I have a thing about raw power.



They opened a dam in Pakistan and this happened...



^^C 10-14^^


My favorite part about health insurance is how teeth and eyeballs are add-ons.


The most important thing I've learned in life, and I can't stress this enough: ALWAYS buy more paint than you think you will need.




Prison Pod Life

Well, at least the suicide nets have one positive.

This is parkour YouTubers called Storror, making a “prison escape” video that I actually liked.


The Cat Incident

I include this in case you want to hear the cheers.


A flood that froze. Damn.


Her skull bounced!






Another bouncing skull...

And that skull bouncing problem is not just human...


I smiled at the look on her face.

But then I found out they cropped it. Here's the whole thing.



NEVER overload the trailer.

Make two trips.





Don't give up on this too soon...





Anonymous said...

Puzzle time : He who hesitates is lost

Anonymous said...

I attended two small community colleges, one after another. Neither had a football team but both had basketball teams.

The first colleges team came to play the second colleges team.

I attended the game to see if I knew anyone from the first one.

I could have sat anywhere I wanted. Maybe 50 people in the entire gym.

And all of these players on scholarship.

billr said...

^^A22^ The top-paid public employee in 29 states is a university or college head football coach. In 10 states it's a head basketball coach. In 6 states it's the president or chancellor of a state university or college. They all typically make several million dollars a year insular or other benefits.

source: https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/business/highest-paid-public-employees/

Inchworm said...

C7 maybe it's a Bug-Out bike?

Burgervan said...

B: The picture of the 'Porn Star', is "Little Caprice", who had been in WELL over 100 porn films...my friend, said...apparently...Ahem!

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