About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 8, 2022


One Of My Very Own






My wife was so overjoyed she ran around our block...naked.

More Americans have smoked dope than cigarettes. Fact.



*Verification He Said That Requested


I try very hard to be funny without crossing the line into misogyny.

But women spend a lot of time and energy making sure their boobs are not ignored.




That is the sort of thing a loving human being does.



This is our system of government. You can't expect it to get your way every time. If you want abortion legal then elect people who agree with you.



There's a disturbing sense of carte-blanche that the religious have from the concept of "infinite forgiveness." They know that all manner of jerkoffery has a "get out of jail free" card.



When a man tells another man that he has a beautiful wife he means that he would like to fuck her.


I tell people I'm socially awkward but the truth is I'm also privately awkward.










There was a sign on the drive-thru window at Taco Bell asking people to recycle their sauce packets. I thought you should never put any good stuff in the recycling bin. And they can't seriously think I'm going to wash them out.


What are these?

Fried lemons. Yeah, I missed it too.


Dubbed Arnold

Crazy how the gun sounds the same in every language.


People With Unique Laughs

And I include this just so you can hear this guy's laugh...


Broken Legs are the new fashion in Russia.

I'm assuming it's a ploy to get out of the draft.


Waking Up


Do animals know we wear clothing or do we traumatize them every time we peel off our socks?


Nobody will remember:

- Your fancy title

- How "busy" you were

- How stressed you were

- How many hours you worked

People will remember:

- If you pooped your pants in kindergarten




Mamma shows gratitude for feeding her family.



Feeding many people is easy with a bag of Cosco meatballs, a crock pot, and hotdog buns. The cheese looks like a delicious added step.


I was once advised by one of my professors to become an urban designer. I wanted to become an architect. Either way, this place is awesome.

And look at the neighboring community at the top of this photo...


I've asked my wife to put out the word on all her social outlets that I am in need of old, broken, stereo equipment like these.

I've got an idea for an art box. Details in a few weeks.


This trainer pursued his dream of opening a gym exclusively for people with dementia and disabilities. The best part? It’s FREE!



After years of observation, I have determined that my ice maker spits out enough ice cubes onto the floor to fill a semi-tractor trailer truck every 57 hours. But on the upside, leaning over to pick them up is the only exercise I get.


I had a thought but unfortunately, I had a second thought and they ricocheted off each other and now I can't find either of them.



X-ray of a kiwi with an egg

What the hell kind of intelligent design is that?!


Glass breaking at 1 million frames per second


That is what would happen all over America if there were no hunters.


Stacking bamboo rafts before driving them back up the river


Speaking of boats...



The stuff of nightmares.


Sandhill Cranes vs Hurricane Ian

Here's a longer version.


Ian Damage

I know you've seen all of that before but I would like to talk to you about charging the people who refused to evacuate for their rescue. Those people remind me of the people who refused to take a covid vaccine and then demanded that the hospital treat them when they got sick.

I am aware that some old, poor, or sick people simply could not leave, but CHOOSING not to leave should cost you...call it a stupidity tax.



Pouncing signage onto a floor.

I know everything there is to know about that. I've used it on murals a thousand times.

Those people have a piece of paper with the design drawn on it. The lines have been "pounced" meaning it has tiny little holes. He is spreading a powder through the holes (probably graphite).

Working vertically, we filled the foot of a pair of pantyhose with chalk line chalk and patted it along the pounced lines.

This guy is applying a fixative so the dotted line is not scuffed away by the painter's shoes. We used hair spray.

This is a pouncing wheel. You will need a special surface. I use printmaker's linoleum. 

They also have an electric one.


Growing a giant pumpkin

I couldn't help watching how the can they used to show the scale moves around.










Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: Pelvis Presley

Inchworm said...

"Elvis the Pelvis"

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