About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


One Of My Very Own






Anybody who thinks soccer is boring didn't watch the USA/Iran game.



How about Y'all being a little softer with one another and a lot harder on the system.


People arguing over their favorite billionaire is not the dystopia I imagined.



*I'm working my ass off trying to finish this box before the World Cup starts. Soccer isn't like football where you don't have to watch every second. Soccer takes constant attention, meaning I can't multitask in the studio. 



He could have saved a lot of money just by doing this...

I smile at the blue line flag after he just beat the holy shit out of cops on Jan 6.




I told you about the time my mother asked everyone at the Thanksgiving table to say what they were thankful for and I said I was thankful I never got caught for all those felonies I had committed.














Case in point...




As a bar owner, I have seen a metamorphosis like that a million times.





When you think about it a kangaroo is just a T-Rex deer.


Someone asked me if I had plans for the fall. It took me a moment to realize they meant "autumn" and not the collapse of civilization.



(interesting is not always better)

Don't give up on this one too quickly.







*They look tickled pink to be taken off the front line to take a prisoner to the rear.





Can we just go ahead and assume that if you fuck around with a refrigerator then you are just asking for it?


The jury must not have heard it was mainstream media lies.



This dude gets it.









Knowing the Bible got all the science wrong, how can you trust the rest?




Who is this?


Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: that is young Pablo.

Burgervan said...

NOTECARD ONELINERS: I would add that a SHITLOAD of Divorces start WAY before they get married!

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: Self portrait painted by 14 years old'ish Pablo Picasso while under the tutelage of his father José Ruiz y Blasco.

billr said...

^^B14^^ I quibble with the word, sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

A-3 (11/229/22)
B-14 (11/30/22)
She could have been like this guy. Use her skills and abilities to help the rest of her fellow man, but Nooooo, she has to make it all about herself.

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