About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 9, 2023

MONDAY #5129

 One Of My Very Own

*My wife








The instructions weren't clear...


My wife found our honeymoon pictures...


I had never considered that lesbians might have a female sex doll.



I think that's a wonderful isolation activity.






My wife and I have reached the age where practical jokes like that are out of the question.


Have children they said. They will be fun they said.




"I brought the tiger."



Can someone please fix bacon packaging? 

There must be a better way.


When you walk into a room, an amount of air equal to the volume of your body moves out of the room.



You have to try to get it that wrong.


I couldn't agree more.


What happens when low-level workers can no longer afford to live in the city?


The stuff of nightmares.


But how does it get inside the sewer pipe to start with?


Frozen in fear illustrated...


This clip is as old as the internet.


She wouldn't take shit from a man either.


...and he walked away.



It seems that it would be relatively easy to have an app on every trucker's phone to let them know when a train is due at any given crossing.




Using lol after a sentence you have written is a new form of a TV laugh track.


It is way easier to make plant-based meat than meat-based plants.



They will play hell getting that bastard back in that box 

next time it needs a shot.


Did you notice that the first book pages were 

brown but her pages are white?


More anasaphilia...


Why the hell didn't I think of that during my camping years?


Mick Jagger with his father Joe, who lived to be 93 years old.


When the wind tunnel tests all tell you the same thing you follow the data. It's the same reason arrows are so similar.


There were probably 911 victims cursing themselves for not buying one of those.


Name That Flag


A Fit Old Man


When you have to pass a cable under the deck...



Knowing that something is unhelpful is helpful.


The first thing most people do when they set foot in a new country is pee.



Murals from around Andalucia.


No word if all those people live there but I hope they do. I once did something similar - only smaller - and we would use the likeness of a person if they or their family came up with half the funding.


I lightened it up to show you how they did it.

I think it's bicycles welded together.


“The New American Gothic” - Criselda Vasquez (2017)


Notice the plethora of parts he has to choose from.


Rather Unique Painting










Said to be urine.




Anonymous said...

B5: gets in through the vent stack that goes through the roof.

Anonymous said...

A14: The one thing we now know for sure is that there are NEVER THIS MANY CONGRESSMEN/WOMEN ON THE HOUSE FLOOR WHEN THEY ARE SPENDING OUR MONEY! And for four straight days.
I think it's a huge improvement over the Pelosi “We need to pass it to know what’s in it” approach.

Anonymous said...

That cat thing is pretty clever, ngl

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