About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 One Of My Very Own












In my humble opinion, he missed a perfect opportunity to coin a phrase that would live on for generations. He said, "We are alive and kicking." What I think he should have said is, 

"We are alive and kicking ass."


*I'm the guy who had Hedonism as his religion on his dog tags.




My family used to call Christmas Eve "Christmas Adam" and our traditional meal was ribs.


Imagine if your printer was also your car. That's what it's like owning a Tesla.



A physical therapist's car.




I've had - and broken - hundreds of those.


How glass is dissolved in water

Heat, water, and violent agitation. The spinning drum flash freezes the molten glass in water, which makes it shatter. The next chamber is lined with claws and completely pulverizes the glass until it becomes an aqueous solution.

Sodium Silicate - Liquid Glass

More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_silicate "... also called waterglass, water glass, or liquid glass".


I painted a series of murals in an Italian/American Pasta Company factory and during the tour of the plant, I learned that flour flows out of the bottom of a train car, fed by a conveyor belt to a vat where water and any flavoring is added,, squeezed through the shaper (shown above), into a drying kiln, boxed, stacked on a pallet, wrapped, and rolled into a waiting truck. Total time: 45 minutes.


They can't shoot you if they can't see you.


As I understand it, they can spray that through holes in existing drywall.



I didn't know they made pants with foot things like that.


A nice tattoo...

A not-so-nice tattoo...

^^B 11-12^^


The word "precocious" would be completely unnecessary if people just got over their squeamishness about calling some children assholes.


"That Krushchev is kind of cute when he wants to be."

*I am a great admire of the absurd.


The guy who discovered boomerangs must have been terrified.




Would someone like to explain that to me?


I guess the same way those ice skaters do.



What a guy.


The Dentist's Father


My Kind Of Santa


The Incident: Part #1

The Incident: Part #1


Oedipus: O great Oracle, will I ever marry?

Oracle: Yes, you shall marry Jo!

Oedipus: Who's Jo?


*I don't get it. Anybody?


Hear me out - Hunger Games but the tributes are people who are rude to customer service staff.




That is why I have never been and will never be a gawker.



I included this in case you want to listen to the insane laughter.



A contractor accidentally pierced a gas line, and minutes later it exploded. There were no major injuries, but the Ring camera across the street caught the moment.


The Unwanted Visitor


New York


Yet Another Warehouse Incident

I bet they now regret buying the cheap shelving.

I think all huge warehouse shelving ought to have a firewall that will not allow the collapse to continue past it.









Anonymous said...

D3: pretty much everything in that rotation makes my balls tingle.
And I've jumped out of airplanes.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: 9. No explanation needed.

Anonymous said...

*I don't get it. Anybody?

It's a phone booth (southwestern bell).

Anonymous said...

C10 - It’s a phone booth

Anonymous said...

C10 - I think it's archeologists uncovering a phone booth.

Anonymous said...

The chick at the end is mint

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