About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


One Of My Very Own








Pay Attention.

I can remember the day I read something on the internet that convinced me that I should stop trying to "fix" my wife. She never was "broken", you see, she just did some things differently than I did. 

It changed our lives.



There are huge swathes of this country who have never heard of "choose your battles carefully".



I taught Lutherique and he pronounced it Laquinthious. True.


Being called an "essential" worker that the country requires you to work during a pandemic for months and then not getting a raise. Must be soul-crushing.



And that's why I try to make all my political comments fucking hilarious. Here's an example:


My brother calls a flashlight a "Dark Sucker".


It is what you make it.


Banning books. Have we lost our fucking minds?


That includes me.


Turning off the news helps.



Speaking of the enemy of my enemy is my friend...

My mother met him and got his signature one time.


Smart guy.


Think subpoenaed Republicans.



This is a comment exchange I had recently"

 Anonymous said...

A4: Waste example: My well paid (sic) school teacher daughter gets a $1,200 and then $600 stimulus check (think inflation) for what?

Ralph Henry said...




I don't understand that. Anybody?





Marriage Proposal


*If Biden misused classified documents then he ought to go to jail as should anyone who does the same. That's called being an American and not just some party hack.



My wife was watching porn the other night and she said, "Well, she's not a very good nurse."


The amount of cookies I've seen the Cookie Monster waste with his bullshit chewing makes me ill.





My wife put up a Festivus Pole for years. True.


It's amazing how the G-force aged her.


Can you spot the gay guy?


Don't try that with a long mustache. Trust me.


Why would he do that?

And what was in the squirt bottle?


Combat Pilot


Christmas Tip

That's a wonderful tradition to start.


Vibrator Music


Weather Guy



If your coffee order is more than four words you are part of the problem.


People who believe in chemtrails never bother to ask themselves why airplane fuel is spiked with government chemicals but their gas-guzzling monster vehicles aren't.


Let's play


Try to guess whether the situations end in a boon or a bust.


This young man decides to take his new car to a completely empty parking lot to burn some donuts.

Boon or Bust?




This young man is competing in a math contest that requires that he answer questions at lightning speed.

Boon or Bust?


Math Quiz



Soldiers (said to be Russian) must remove a tank from a train.

Boon or Bust?



A very heavy roll of sheet steel is being offloaded from a flatbed truck.

Boon or Bust?



A young man is filming his girlfriend on special stepstones.

Boon or Bust?

Boon for one, bust for the stranger.


A sexy lady poses with her horse.

Boon or Bust?


And that's why I would never pee near a horse.


This talented young lady works for hours building a set on which to film a phone commercial.

Boon or Bust?



This worker decides to help the concrete mixer mix.

Boon or Bust?




This man parks his car on the street and then walks to the house to make a delivery while under the watchful eye of a police car.

Boon or Bust?



Vacationers film their picturesque locale.

Boon or Bust?



This waiter in a very fancy restaurant is delivering a lighter-than-air dessert.

Boon or Bust?




This man wants to throw a huge chunk of ice onto a frozen lake for the sound it will make.

Boon or Bust?



A vehicle built to conquer mud meets mud.

Boon or Bust?


Despite a rule prohibiting drinking on the sidewalk at the ballpark, he does it anyway.

Boon or Bust?



The shirtless young man in white shorts is attempting to run onto the field of play.

Boon or Bust?


A young woman works very hard donning a costume and hiding in an ambush to scare her husband.

Boon or Bust?



Bust. He hardly flinched.

A man has only his feet to stop a runaway truck.

Boon or Bust?



Men rescue a dog from a deep hole in the ground.

Boon or Bust?


This man is scraping ice from his car's window while standing on ice.

Boon or Bust?

I would call that a boon - no harm, no foul.


This man will try to ride a full-grown sow.

Boon or bust?











Anonymous said...

A11: it's a dark sucker upper. And the reason light bulbs turn dark when they're "burnt out" is because they are full of dark. They just can't suck up anymore dark.

Anonymous said...


Robin said...

A23 - I think this must refer to film director Michael Bay, well known for his explosive films.

Anonymous said...

Michael Bay is a movie director who makes big budget movies with lots of explosions and such. Think 1990's action movies many of them were under his direction.

Armageddon is a good example.

B. Baggins

Anonymous said...

I knew a guy that was not found at fault for pushing his car when it ran out of gas and it hit a parked car, the technicality was he wasn't behind the driver seat so his premiums were not affected - I wonder if it's the same for the sucker whose car slid down the ice?

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the boon or bust section. thanks

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