That's how I feel about my blog. And I picture some of my commenters as a drunk old man across the street with a bullhorn and waving a Trump flag claiming everything I say is bullshit.
But they would never think of starting their own advice group (blog) and share their wisdom with the masses. They would rather take potshots from afar.
Clever that.
Bored at work? Replace the can of air freshener in the bathroom with an air horn and just wait.
The guy with the worse grades should get to give a graduation speech also. Let's hear from both sides.
You know, I used to think that people would get inured of views like that and given long enough would stop looking at it. But I marvel at the giant oak tree in my yard every single day.
An exit or an entrance?
The Bridge
You know how people who come to your house ask if they can get a glass of water and then choose the most ridiculous glass in the kitchen?
Would you rather fight an orangutan with a sword once a year or fight a chicken with your bare hands every time you get in your car?
Does anyone know what that is? I did a Google image search and got nothing.
One of the most unique artifacts in existence.
I came across these two images on two different sites.
Maybe a primitive homeless shelter?
The person who posted this data made this comment.
I don't want anyone to die needlessly, but the facts are pretty clear. Don't endanger yourself and your family just to own the libs.
This woman got published.
You don't have to understand everything. You just have to try not to be a dick about it.
When I was growing up they had an actual commercial on TV that said, "It's 10 o'clock, do you know where your kids are?" because our parents often forgot we existed.
Did you notice how many people put themselves in extreme peril to either gawk or film the action? Don't do that.

*I wrote a play about three generations of the same two families. It started with the freeing of the slaves of a plantation owner and following their emancipation the slaves had to give themselves a last name. The slave family selected Sherman. For generations, the white family could not bring itself to utter the name properly and opted for Sheerman.

Dear Suppe, So it was a homeless shelter.
Are people just incapable of holding their phone sideways so their videos appear in landscape mode? I hate that.
C1 - Yes, I know what it is. Also, A7 is why I don’t comment on a lot of your obvious mistakes and comments. You need someone to check your work before you post some things.
to the ship, my best guess is a cable laying ship and also the avalanche people; why oh why would you even stand outside and OR even wait until it was that close to begin running, especially knowing how fast they are
C1 - I believe it's a boat connected to offshore oil drilling business. I could be wrong, but they do use those boats that look like they are cut in half.
Btw.... nice Blog today. Thank you.
Super images this post. Thanks!
C1 https://m.facebook.com/marineinsight/videos/ramform-titan/1577273335629779/
A7: Truly the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black. Can I still post that word? No, not “pot”; the other one.
A6: Just stopped by to see if you are sticking to what I assume was a new years resolution. Jan 5: “I've decided to spend much more energy trying to make you smile. I preach too much and will work hard to make your visit to this blog a happier experience.” Did you ever stop and think your memes and other pearls of insight are taking potshots at half the country? My god man, where is your long venerated “situational awareness”. If you wish, you may take this as mostly a very wimpy “potshot”.
B10: Let me guess….Some american politician doing an imitation of Justin Trudeau?
Observations etc: Without the fossil fuel industry you would not last a month and would still be living in a cave. Have another toke.
A9: I use a seven key all the time. I use it for the defrost function at 7 minutes per pound.
I also use the nine button so it doesn't feel left out. Instead of 130 I type in 90.
The eight button however, can go to hell.
C9: you're not going to believe this, but the man who suggested adding lead to gasoline is also the same man who invented floro-carbons (freon).
He also worked on the Manhattan project.
Some say that he is responsible for more deaths than any human ever to live.
His name was Claire Patterson.
schadenfreude: this one was 100% staged. She didn't even look at him to see the scary mask. It was being filmed. He ducked as if choreographed with her swing of the vacuum. Etc etc.
Dear Boo-Bird Anons, Me think ye protest too much.
The man in a barrel is Diogenes--a famous ancient Greek philosopher, a founder of Cynicism.
He was famous for living in a barrel and defecating on carpets of rich.
You ming want to check him up. ;-)
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