About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 4, 2023


 One Of My Very Own







An oldie but a goodie...

That reminds me of being required to take a standardized test for promotion in the Air Force when I only had two months of enlistment remaining. So, I listened to the instructions and then turned in a blank answer sheet only to be told that I had to answer every question. Five minutes later I brought back the sheet with every question answered as "A".





What the fuck is a "second layer"?





I enjoyed the first few decades of Walking Dead but I am completely over zombie anything.





I've been having trouble making ends meet so I've started selling feet pics and am now raking in the big bucks.


My wife chooses her underwear for the day on how likely it is that she has sex. Today she's wearing a used grocery bag she found on the side of the highway.



Americans eat like we have free healthcare.




"Here's lookin' at you, kid."



My friend found one at least that large while diving in a four feet deep creek in the mountains of North Carolina.

As I understand it, they are not fossils but actual teeth.


Many times they use the horse's tail to help support the statue.

In the image above they use the soldiers as added support.


That's actually very clever.



As was his habit, when the Pope came to my hometown he had a local craftsman make the chair in which he would sit. I was invited to a party for the finished chair made by a friend of mine. He made an intricately carved toilet paper roll holder that hung from the arm of the Pope Chair and we all took turns pretending to take a shit for the camera. 

(That is not the chair in question but it was equally ornate.)







Falcon Heavy launched at just the right time for the booster separation and flyback to be visible pretty much the whole way back to the LZ. 


Box Cutter

But only one end is dull.



A Christmas carol that is just eight verses of demanding you enjoy the season with increasing hostility - We Wish You A Merry Christmas.


Christians are mad as fuck about the devil like they didn't just make that motherfucker up.



This white dude picked a road rage fight with a retired NFL lineman.


Neighbors who saw a toddler in diapers wandering around a Beech Grove, Indiana, apartment complex with a loaded handgun called the police. The incident was caught on building cameras. The father - who lied that he didn’t own a gun - was arrested.


The instructions weren't clear.


Many months ago I posted videos of people punishing a stuffed dog to teach their real dog not to do something and it seemed to work beautifully. This guy tried it with a cat.



I'd leave the stupid bitch in there for at least 24 hours.


I've often wondered what will happen when the top 1% amasses so much of the wealth that the rest of us can't afford to buy their products.





Remember this Waffle House lady?

She now has a fan base online.



I heard an interview with a young woman who wore huge falsies to see if people would treat her differently. She said that when she walked downstairs or ran to catch a bus those breasts developed a mind of their own.



Speaking of nature's perils...


Do you think this woman is pretty?

Well, pay attention.




Cleansing the gene pool.







Anonymous said...


Lol, really? Making that prison system work for the rich. Not much better than China y'all.

Anonymous said...

B4 - FWIW the swastika is used in the Hindu, Buddhist and Jain religions and has been long before there was a Germany.

From the always reliable Wikipedia:

The swastika is an ancient religious and cultural symbol, predominantly in various Eurasian, as well as some African and American cultures, now also widely recognized for its appropriation by the Nazi Party and by neo-Nazis. It continues to be used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism

Anonymous said...

A9: Biden decided to shoot down the Chinese spy ballon as it was getting to close to Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: X
Remove any common line in the first two symbols to get the third symbol.

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