About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 16, 2023


 One Of My Very Own







That was true for me. One of my best friends, Calvin Coolidge Jones (true, I swear) was a black man who knew much more about nuclear weapons than I did.



Saving old, beautiful buildings should be the norm, not the exception.


In some other countries, the police are required to have a degree in criminal justice. But here in America, you get what you pay for.


We could learn a lot from the French.




Someone breaks into your house while you are taking a shit - do you wipe first or not?


I'm sorry, but you can't ALWAYS be experiencing a higher volume of calls than average. That's not how averages work.






A cow with one leg stuck between its horns.


I've noticed that many people do extraordinary things to change light bulbs in high ceilings. There ought to be a better way.

My boss used to put my teenage ass on a pallet and then lift it up with a forklift to change bulbs. But get this - he didn't lower it when he drove from one light to the next.



Doing my part.



That looks kind of fun.



Perfect casting.







Prove it.



Give a man a plane ticket and he'll fly for a day. Push a man from a plane and he'll fly for the rest of his life.


I'll never forget the night I knew the woman would be my wife. I asked her what sort of things going on in the world really bothered her and without hesitation, she said, "Taco Bell always forgetting my Fire Sauce SUCKS!"




Ermita de San Juan, Biskaia, Spain

Ermita is Spanish for a hermit.


A fun game makes you guess what year a photo was taken.


I did very well on that and it was great fun. Give it a try.


In England, you sometimes see these "wavy" brick fences. And curious as it may seem, this shape uses FEWER bricks than a straight wall. A straight wall needs at least two layers of bricks to make it sturdy, but the wavy wall is fine thanks to the arch support provided by the waves.


The one in my town took it one step further and used an open design to save even more bricks.


Ice Surfacing


Nail Alignments

Or just shake it.


Ramp Speed

He said it was all about momentum, but this clip seems to belie that.



And we don't know how we know. But think of how weird "The brown big dog" sounds.


In May 1980 Marianne Bachmeier's daughter (7) was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by a 35-year-old neighbor. March 6th, 1981, 3rd day of the trial, Marianne Bachmeier entered the courtroom and shot him 6 times, killing him almost instantly.


My sisters were molested by our next-door neighbor and after the trial, my father asked for a transfer out of Birmingham, Alabama because he was afraid he would kill the guy.


On my one and only trip on a cruise ship, the ocean was so rough that bar stools would topple.



I don't always clap my hands, but when I do it's because I'm happy and I know it.


"Siri Google Alexa" is a complete sentence.





I do not raze buildings for a living yet I would have seen that as a real possibility.










Pizza Mishaps










*Could it be THAT easy?


David said...

A4 - I have to disagree with that statement. Police have all kinds of training and oversight. For every nationalized incident of police misconduct there's millions of interactions that went well. There's certain to be some bad apples (racists, bullies) out of a number as large as the police force nation wide.
You wouldn't say that an accountant needs more training if a small percentage were caught stealing. I'm sure there's already rules against it and they just ignored them. I think police (and teachers!) have thankless jobs that a majority of people think that they could only do wrong.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: Only two containers can ever even hold liquid.
Container 1 will fill until the level reaches the cross-over tube leading to 2.
Container 2 is nothing but a pass-through and should not be referenced as a "container".
Container 3 is not connected to #2 and can never be reached, therefore neither can 6 nor 7.
Container 5 will fill until it over flows and it will continue to overflow as long as liquid is being added to container 1.

Answer = #5

The fill rate of container #1 is less than or equal to the carrying capacity of the cross-over tube leading to #2, else #1 fills first.
The carrying capacity of the tube going from #2 to #5 is greater than or equal to the carrying capacity of the crossover tube between #1 and #2.

Anonymous said...

A4: Did you contently forget “Defund the Police”? The 4 Memphis cops who killed Nichols were probably great diversity and equity hires. Unbelievably a number of MSM clown journalists said it was another example of white supremacy. Police should be hired for merit and character. No amount of training can overcome poor character.

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