About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 27, 2023

MONDAY #5206

One Of My Very Own







I've printed details for my box. This is only a fifth of how many I will need.

I had a real scare with them. After applying a clear coat so the ink wouldn't rub off, they curled up which would have made mounting them difficult. But after sitting there for a few minutes they flattened out nicely.









I bet every Elliot in town had a scare.

Reminds me of the time someone hired a plane to fly over a football game dragging this...

Now think of all the men named John who were at the game with their wives.


The real surprise is that there are no misspellings.



If you can't fight 'em, join 'em.

BTW Am I the only one who breathes easier know the statute of limitations has run out on a bunch of stuff I've done?




If you are not familiar with what happened in Cambodia you ought to look it up. It is an excellent example of "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".


Well, that explains a lot.


We have evolved. Only barbarians persecute people for their sexual orientation.


Ukraine Supporter



Do you ever wish you could go back in time and punch yourself right in the fucking face?


Remember when the FBI would threaten us at the beginning of every VHS tape – that was pretty cool.



"Act natural..."

And then they stop right in the middle of an interstate.


I knew a guy who was sent to prison for stealing plants off of people's front porches. The sheer numbers pushed it up to a felony.

He is also the one who got a disability check from the state for alcoholism and he had it mailed to his bartender. True.



He got tired of their shit.


Why didn't they show us the rest of the tape?


Umbrellas work also.




When you just need a little more attention...add sparks.


I knew a woman who stood like this to do things like wash dishes and such...


Fun with a Wagon


Dark Room Evasion


I wonder if that thing comes with a turbo-charged V8.


Now that I patronize restaurants much more than I used to, I really appreciate the work they do.


Someone left a comment on a very old post and in it was this that I thought you may want to read again.


As a lad, he had helped his father build the stairs that aided the residents' descent from the hill down to the park and the town beyond. Each day of his life he had descended the stairs in the morning and ascended the stair at the end of the day. The first few years it was his route to school, then later to his shop. But on this day, with his knees, back, and will be dulled by age, he knew he would never make it to the top and would not even try.
He sat with a moan, knowing his son would soon come to assist. And his son would understand.


I was just invited to an event that doesn't start until 8 PM. In the evening. I'm sorry but not all of us are on cocaine.


My two rules are:

1. Never tell me what to do.

2. Please help me.



I think she got rid of the troublemaker.


To repeat: I would never let it drive unless I was on an open highway.


Maybe they are farm raised for their legs.


German sushi with sausages.


A car for those of us with no friends.


The ugliness of the White House roof has always bothered me.


How do they get traction with steel shoes?


Do you think they used computer-guided cutting for that?


That reminds me of the ice rescue guy on the air mattress - ready for all outcomes.



Think of how fucked up the custody agreement in The Parent Trap is. They were each to get one baby and then never see the other one again for LIFE, but it's okay because they look the same.


I believe in aliens more than I believe in 'runner's high'.



I'm going to guess an art installation.


I made all the dressing rooms in my wife's store out of old doors.


I've made dozens of those of all kinds of people. I called them Port-A-People and I even got a few of them in juried art shows.


I used to look down on murals painted with spray cans but not anymore. I had the same aversion to computer art until I realized that the computer was just another art tool.



Made by chipping off the stucco.

I like that very much.


I swore off posting chalk on sidewalks long ago because it has just been done to death but I like the grass tail on that one.



That look of fake contemplation you get when you take a free sample and you want them to think you might buy some.


I can't believe it's approaching three years since our lives were Joe exotic, banana bread, and fits fights over toilet paper and I still can't quite process that it was ever a real period of my life.


Hidden Surprises: Discovering Easter Eggs In Unexpected Places

As a man who has left hundreds of Key Packets all over America, I like finding little surprises also.










*That was so awful that I feel the need to apologize. My Puzzle Well is running dry and it is so time-consuming looking for more puzzles that I haven't posted yet that I must again ask for your help. If you have anything that could be considered a puzzle by any stretch of the imagination please email it to me. Thanks.



A10-Cambodia is an excellent example of what happens when Marxists take over...like Venezuala et al.

Anonymous said...

B9 - When I was younger, I used to always stand like that when doing the dishes. I had forgotten all about it until now.

Anonymous said...


Better watch which memes you post.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B9 Anon, Are you my ex-wife?

billr said...

^^A7^^ Is it age-ist to postulate that the spelling is correct because the wife is probably around 75 yrs old? Maybe, but I bet if it were someone under 50 there'd be a lot of mis-spellings.

^^A9^^ Fuck no.

^^A11^^ I suspect the score for D.C. is skewed because of all the politicians and politician wannabes and their hangers-on, whereas the general population of the area is maybe not as educated overall. (That might be a racist generalization on my part, for which I apologize.)

^^C6^^ I've seen recently that President Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the roof, and Asshole Ronald Reagan had them removed (after he stole the election by dicking around to keep the Iran hostages locked up until after the election.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A10: Moms (greatest threat to democracy) going to a school board meeting being investigated by the biden police. Sounds Pol Pot like, doesn’t it? Yes, let’s remember…. Pol Pot was a political leader whose communist Khmer Rouge government led Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time, an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork. And no you don’t have to “educate” me about “owning the means of production”. Oh, the government had all the guns. Imagine that.

Anonymous said...

A11: “Well, that explains a lot.” Yes, indeed, there are many an educated fool.

Anonymous said...

A12: “Only barbarians persecute people for their sexual orientation”. With that remark being connected to that meme one has to wonder if you be coming out of the closet soon.

Anonymous said...

B7: Yeah, brilliant. Probably thinks its a drill. BTW: The hole is at an angle. Never mind; she is educated and wanted it crooked.

Anonymous said...

c6: You are "bothered" by many many things

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