About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 30, 2023


One Of My Very Own








I've finished the installations on the back of the box - except for the corner pieces. I still have hours of touch-ups to do, but I like it. I like to start on the back to work out any problems I may encounter.


I did the math on how many bricks I had to draw.


To give you a comparison, back in my prime it would have taken me almost three years to drink that many beers.



For the first time that I can remember, this year really fucked with my sleep patterns.


*Psalm 91: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.











*I am physically and emotionally unable to endure that.




*Verification Requested


US Healthcare



Don't let the sadness of the swamp get to you. You have to keep trying. A brighter future awaits.


The final level of being smart is just pretending you don't know anything to make your life easier.




I have "watched" (glanced at while listening) Everything All At Once three times and still don't know what was going on. That's the problem with trying to make art while watching a movie.



The old guy saving the beer.


What happens next?







You gotta hand it to her.


Men wearing muslin veil in Iran to support women.

The Iranian government is now using facial recognition to identify women who don't follow the dress codes and cut them off from cell phones and computers and all government services.








The moment I knew I wanted her as my wife...


They must not know that they can outrun a man.


"Look before you leap" illustrated...

Nice driveway, though.


A bird in the hand something, something a bicycle in the bush.


Diving Practice

I had no idea that they did that.


Ice Cream Kid

That he's a tad overweight makes that all that much more funny.


Snake Removal

The googly eyes on the grabber are a nice touch.



I don't know when I'm gonna die, so I have a midlife crisis every year just to be on the safe side.


*"Don't do what they did" usually.


Pi Day is just a fake holiday created by Big Math to sell more math.



A town just unveiled a 9/11 memorial at the fireman's museum. Think they could have used another set of eyes on this one...


I have mixed feelings about that.


My wife said no.


Looks like a shuttlecock.


I'm doing my part.


This is well worth your time.


3D Printed Vinyl

That's the way everyone tries to allude a moving vehicle in movies - run right down the middle of the road.

On a serious note...

Researchers were surprised to discover that even microbes that have adapted to the warm and wet comfort of our noses and throats, such as Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, were able to lie dormant and survive the harsh, cold, dry conditions.



Last week I did the unthinkable and threw out my box of unloved cables that I've been collecting for years. Today I realized that I needed one of those cables and have no idea how to find a replacement. Consider this a warning to you all.


"Hello, I haven't had an original thought in 30 years and I'm addicted to alcohol, anyway here is my opinion on how the governments of the world should function."


All the dots are flooded cities.
























Wrekreation said...

After C10 - Missing/lost cables. GoodWill and Salvation Army are a great place to find ancient cables.

Wrekreation said...

P.S. "AVID NEVER TRUMPER" disappeared?

Anonymous said...


We need more of this, would be great for UFC cage fighting.

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