About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


One Of My Very Own







I've started putting all the pieces of my box together.

I first designed it to have bricks in the center of the wall but I ended up with a weird space on both ends that I decided to deal with at a later date.

 Then it occurred to me to place a window in the center and by sheer luck, all the pieces came out perfectly at the corners.







True. But what's your point?









There's been a horrible success at the accident factory.


If you wouldn't go to someone for advice, don't take their criticism either.





That is about as stupid as suggesting nuking a hurricane, drinking bleach, or putting alligators in the Rio Grande.



Need proof?


And our "war" on drugs proves we learned nothing from that whole fiasco.


And NONE of them were transexuals.


I want a special prosecutor!


I have a theory about why we have not found any intelligent life or signals of that life.

No intelligent life is found because all life has a time limit. If an asteroid doesn't wipe them out then a germ or virus will. Or they develop and use weapons so powerful that we do ourselves in.


Alex loved books and languages. His parents were native English speakers, and the family lived in Japan, so Alex spoke English at home, and Japanese at school. At the age of 13, however, Alex was diagnosed with dyslexia, a learning difficulty that affects reading and writing. According to test results, his English reading level was that of a six-year-old. The results were a shock. "This test came along and they were like, actually, your writing is horrible," Alex recalls. "I thought I was doing ok. Yes, there was a bit of a struggle, but I assumed everyone else was struggling. In fact, the numbers that came out were quite devastating from my perspective." To researchers, the even bigger surprise was his performance in the other language he used. When he was tested in Japanese at the age of 16, his literacy was not just good. It was excellent.



For the last time - shit is not fucked up because Mercury is in retrograde.


Mary and Joseph had a stable relationship.



With wave motion, each dot just moves right and left...


Sack Sampler



We used to have M80s that were that powerful.


The boredom of zoo animals makes me sad.


Imagine what ancient humans must have thought when encountering such a beast.


If you lived near that could you even allow your child to go out and play unaccompanied?


The Hunt Is On

A most unusual conclusion.


Me: "Instead of burning fuel we have to dig out of the earth to turn turbines let's do it with free wind energy."

Many Americans: "How dare you!"



When out in a large gathering, there’s a strong probability that someone around you is wearing a butt plug.


I bet the funniest thing in the world would be seeing the look on the OSHA inspector's face when he walked into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.



Would tracked vehicles perform any better?



Don't be a showoff.


"My first occipital cervical fusion failed so I had it redone. I’m hoping it heals correctly this time so I can move forward with the nine other specialists to try to make this heap of junk organs functions like a real body. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is slowly and steadily claiming more of my body. I just want to be able to function again."


Rubbish piling up on Paris streets as cleaning workers strike.

Deciding not to work under the circumstances offered is the only weapon the working class has.



I prefer the crusty part.


Truck vs Train

There are signs like this scattered all over my state to warn of such things.

I heard that there is a new braking system for trains that bring them to a stop much faster. Do any of you know how that works? I'm assuming it is akin to anti-lock brakes on cars.


Out-of-control truck runs amok in Adelaide, Australia 

Only one explanation...




The Problem With Polling

Today my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID on my TV screen read: SURVEY RESEARCH. I, of course, did not answer the call but it got me thinking about who would actually want to participate and I concluded that our polls are based only on the opinion of people who like to answer questions from strangers. I call that a weakness in its accuracy.










Anonymous said...


David said...

A3 - kudos. Not really understanding the meme I google searched it and learned a lot about something I wished I had already known about. Thank you for the learnin'

Anonymous said...

B12 We should start a campaign to free Ghislaine Maxwell.
She’s been found guilty of child sex trafficking, so there must have been abusers whom she was trafficking to.
If we can’t find any of her “clients” guilty, then that must bring into question whether it happened or not.
Don’t get me wrong I don’t believe that she is innocent, I think she’s a terrible person.
Perhaps such a campaign would bring this back into the headlines and help to put some other terrible people in front of a judge?

Anonymous said...

puzzle time
remove the middle match from the 8 and put it anywhere else other than in the equation.

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