About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 13, 2023


 One Of My Very Own







A couple of weeks ago I told you about the maps in my father's day saying things like "Turn right at the red barn", well, this is part of the instructions above.


Found my old Sex Ed notebook from kindergarten...



This was posted to gross us out.

But why should muscle tissue be any different than glands?



This picture was taken almost 100 years ago.

And when you think about it, we use the same truck design today. Maybe it's time for a redesign.



I think that the only reason the Ukrainians don't hit Russian cities is that the US won't let them.


I've often said that nobody knows what they are doing. 

Some of us just fake it better than others.




Insect In Sex


Sizes of Black Holes


Is Trans the New Anorexia?

"Anorexia was a prestige diagnosis. Anorexia has been replaced. With trans. Both are “rooted in the belief that if you change your body, you will no longer hate yourself”. "

That is another example of something I may not agree with but it certainly deserves some thought.


I could never survive a Jigsaw trap because I would need him to repeat the instructions like 10 times.


Many of you have a sex drive higher than your will to live and it fucking shows.



I have often wondered what kind of person would visit Folio Olio every day and never comment that they liked this or that but will have no problem commenting every time that they don't like something. 


These picnic benches are mounted on old streetcar tracks so they can roll together or apart.

How clever.



Turkish Airlines has a chef onboard.


A partial solar eclipse turned the shadows into crescents.

I saw that on my own driveway! I just stood there mouth agape.


She's ready...

Zombies can't do that.


I had a dream that my brother walked into a gathering of relatives with a combover that looked just like Donald Trump's only my brother's was bright orange. Then when I laughed the other relatives slapped me on the back of the head.

In all truth, my brother DOES have one of the most comical combovers I have ever seen.





I thrive on unique visual experiences.



Well, maybe not ALL unique visual experiences.



This elevator shows you how close it is to its weight limit.


"Everything's under control!" 

- border collies, probably


Have you ever fucked a walrus? Just asking. The hats are now mandatory.


"Group chat"? I'm an adult. I only have two friends. And they don't know each other.



"During the 2018 wildfires, this man captured his drive to work in the morning."


That makes absolutely no sense to me. And notice that he is far from alone.


"...speak now are forever hold your..."


One of the cleverest solutions to that problem is the water-filled bladder that encircles your house.

If I were building in a flood plain I would surely jack my house up at least six feet.

Hell, I remember one farmer who just scared dirt into a mound upon which he build his house and it stayed high and dry.


Speaking of water hazards...


Have you noticed how many of these injuries are incurred BECAUSE they are being filmed?


When I go to hell the devil will put me in a crowd like that.


Brigitte is using code words that mean that Trump is putting blacks "in their place" again.


My love of unique visual experiences means I chafe at people jumping on any and every fad that comes across their fashion feed.


And one engineer said, "Hey, I have a better idea."


I almost missed that the ladder is in a shopping cart!


My sisters were two of four little girls molested by my next-door neighbor. He was an elder in a church. At the trial, dozens of members of his church showed up to testify that he was a Christian man who could never do such a thing.


Aww, look, honey, the neighbor's kids are outside playing instead of on their computers...

See? Overpopulation will sort itself out.


Remember, as we get into hotter weather she's not dressed like a slut, you just think like a rapist.


I'm going to start tackling guys in football jerseys and saying, "Look how he's dressed, he's asking for it."





All things Ralph...


"No butt stuff".

Yeah, let's get that off the table from the get-go.


I didn't believe but it's real.



That damn dog needs an exorcism.



In case you missed the funny part...









NOTE: I haven't the foggiest. Please explain if you solve it.


JNR said...

I just thought it was because Ukrainians were not barbarians.


A12' A doctor told me that she approached most anorexia cases as being a struggle for autonomy between the daughter [or son] and parent. As well as being a means of controlling the patient's body it is also an attempt to dominate and control the parent.


To JNR; Ukrainians are just as unpleasant and undeserving of support as Russians. Half their army leaders are fascists. Don't let Ralph's Democrat Daily sway your sympathies-stay neutral, like we all should.

Anonymous said...

^^B7^^ I have a friend who's a theoretical physicist, so he's super smart, but not a dick about it. He was married to a woman for 30+ years. Then she left him while he was out of town for a week. I'd only known him for about a year when this happened. He had a horrendous comb-over. Then, it disappeared. Turns out, he'd "met" a guy on facebook, and now they're married. One of the first things the new boyfriend was able to do for him was to deep-six the comb-over. I've wondered since then, if I were a better friend, should I have said something about the comb-over?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Everyone, Some of us need to be reminded of who invaded whom, Which side has been formally accused of war crimes, and which side all most all of Europe support.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
This was in last years Royal Statistical Society Christmas Quiz.
I know the answer but I don’t want to spoil everyone’s fun.
I’ll give the answer if nobody gets it first.
Think anagrams.

A science guy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


greg carlile said...

Schadenfreude malicious joy or taking pleasure in pain of someone else

Inchworm said...

the picnic tables idea is brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
Here is the quiz, with solutions;
There are some ridiculously difficult questions on it.

A Science Guy

Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Mr. Rogers.
Then again, he was a devout Christian so you (Ralph) must also believe that makes him a fool, right?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B10 Anon,
But he seemed to walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, Ralph. You do believe that organized religion, especially the Christian faith, is ludicrous. It is evident to anyone who follows your blog. . You made countless posts that ridicule Christian belief itself, and they are not just about the hypocrites.

But that is OK. You can still have respect Mr. Rogers while believing his religious beliefs are foolish, if that is what you think. Just be honest and own it, Ralph. Cheers.

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