About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


 One Of My Very Own








I know it must be difficult for the British to understand but the whole idea of some people being superior to other people simply due to an accident of birth is completely alien to me.


And remember, normal everyday people just like me and you found those people guilty as shit.





70% of Medicaid and Food Stamps recipients work full-time.



We MUST get control of our border. I find it inconceivable that we just allow people with contagious diseases, criminals, human traffickers, gang members, drug smugglers, and terrorists to just...walk...in.


Ding Dong, Texas is a real place. Look it up.


The closest feeling to a snow day as an adult is not having to wash the measuring cup because you only used it for water.



Two die and twelves injured when a group of Everest climbers attempts to be the first team to play pool on the summit.

*Viewer Contribution



That reminds me of the time I took my kids to a waterpark and as I waited for them in the pool at the bottom a young woman came out of the tube, hit the water, and then stood up only to discover that her top had become untied from her neck and hung down below her boobs. So, she panicked and yanked the bra up only to pull it up above her boobs. Then she yanked it down...below her boobs. Up, down, up, down, up, down, and finally she went under the water out of view and fixed the problem. I, of course, was gasping.




You may have noticed that I've begun using many picture puzzles in my puzzle section. I almost put that one there but figured it was just too subtle. Your answer should fit in these spaces:

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Neil Armsgone



That snake looks like it just escaped from Shawshank.


Somebody said he had his name stitched into his little cap. 

Is that true?


Remember, if you defend her and her husband then you are giving permission for every other judge to do exactly the same thing. Are you prepared for the repercussions of that?

You might want to look up Abe Fortas to see what integrity looks like.




Gym Janitor


I Hate Women


The worst thing about being an adult and not a kid is that no one stands behind you when you are being an asshole and mouths, "He hasn't had his nap".


A burger with eggs and bacon is like getting the whole farm involved.



*Viewer Contribution

*Every woman I have ever..."known" loved to watch porn with me.


I broke a key off in the dash ignition on an old VW and used the tip of a screwdriver to start it...for two years.


Chinese Building Quality

In an attempt to stimulate the economy, China copied what other countries were doing and constructed new buildings. Unfortunately, most of the locations they chose didn't offer opportunities for incoming migrants and remain empty to this day.


I've never really thought about sex robots for women. 

What do you think - good idea or bad idea?


Honey Badger

Those little fuckers know no fear.


Did you notice the sign?



I once looked for a long time for that image of that dissected hedge. 

I find it extraordinary.


Nikola Tesla said if we want to understand the Universe we need to understand Energy, Frequency, and Vibration


I'm not as unhinged as I could be and I want everyone to be grateful for that.


Maybe people who meditate for an hour a day are happier because they live a life that affords them an hour a day to meditate.



Always do the math first



My next-door neighbor owns a business that restores hair.

Much of his work is done for barter. His yard looks great. His new gazebo looks very stylish, etc, etc.

I used to barter but I cheated. I would tell them I wanted, say, $5000 for a mural then give them the option of all cash or $4000 in cash and $2000 in trade for whatever they sold. They always went with the trade option even though I really only wanted $4000 for the mural. I called that gravy.



My nephew-in-law was a bouncer until he was 30 years old then he went to college and got a degree. He graduated last year and got a job that paid commissions. Yesterday he bought this.

We are proud of him.


I once read that gray was the worse car color because of that very reason.



Did you notice that he just had to wait on the last four people and he would have been free to continue?


An internet quiz asked which film character was the most evil. I boiled my choices down to these two:



We all need to revisit this from time to time...


Boating Done Wrong


Turning the audience into the choir

How very wonderful.


Cork Removal

Did you notice that he used a two-liter plastic bottle as a hammer? I think that's important.


Helicopter crew saving a truck driver from raging floods in Kenya.


I once told you that a friend of mine told me that working rebar was the hardest work there is. This may explain that.







*Many of these could be called Cautionary Tales.



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Anonymous said...

But Biden said 'not a foot more' wrt building the wall after trump.

Do you remember when Obama built those fed detention centres on the southern border. The media lauded him and everybody was ecstatic.

Do you remember when Trump had stricter border controls and building the wall. Do you remember how the Obama detention facilities overnight became 'inhumane cages' , the media blasted it 24/7 and everybody lost there collective shit.

Do you remember when Biden took over and more people started streaming over the border. Those 'inhumane cages' filled to record numbers never seen before BUT somehow they were no longer inhumane cages and the media did not call them that and nobody lost their collective shit.

Do you remember those immigration agents on horses 'whipping' the poor migrants. The news photographer vehemently denied the agents whipped anybody and the hysteria is BS. Regardless Biden initiated an investigation which was completed, he's not releasing the report though, wonder why.

Remember his campaign promise, 'not a foot more', well they've built more than a foot since then. When asked what has been built only vague answers are forthcoming

This is just an outsiders view looking into US politics. It's kinda laughable how people just scream for a side and ignore the hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Newton's 3rd law of motion.
Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

Anonymous said...

^^A8^^ It's not like we don't already have enough of those kind of folks, and home-grown as well.

Anonymous said...

C4: women don't need a sex robot. They can get sex anytime they want. It doesn't matter how skinny they are, how fat they are, how tall they are, how short they are. There will always be a Man, willing to "fill" the need.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: deviled eggs

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C4 Anon, I'm just going to go ahead and assume you are not a woman.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I just looked it up. There are sex robots out there for women already. I found it on purnhub. Simply amazing with these things can do i to a woman.

I take back what I said above. With what I've just seen, a woman will never need a man again and the human race is doomed.


Ralph; did you see my comment re the lewd church carvings? Mike

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, I don't think so, but some times I screw them up. Please repeat.

Anonymous said...

A6 a billionaire isn't going to see this meme

Anonymous said...

B9 remember when Joe Biden as a senator referred to Clarence Thomas as the n word?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, Do you think the meme was meant to be read by billionaires?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B9 Anon, No, I do not remember. Please send me the source of the clip so I can refresh my memory.
Do you remember when Donald Trump wouldn't rent to black people? Here's the verification:

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