About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 14, 2023

FRIDAY #5315

 One Of My Very Own



You have to love idiots.


Remember when America was all about "live and let live"?


Imagine attacking higher education. Imagine that. Can we at least agree that college-educated people are smarter than they were before they did all that studying?


Remember when many white people lost their shit over low-rider pants? White people have a habit of thinking they have everything figured out and if you don't do everything like they do it then you must be wrong. How about the caps turned backward? And boots being worn unlaced? Now, mind you, none of these things affected white people in the least but white people somehow made it about them. Sad that.


Just another reason to encourage higher education.



All the good intentions I had had had had no effect on the outcome.


Everything mixes well with tequila except decisions.








I seem to remember that they have a taboo against riding on air-filled tires. Now look at the wheels on the boat trailer.







I once lived with a woman who made me come look at her shit when it curled around to form a letter shape. True story.


This guy said he went to work early and switched everybody's M and N. I think if I noticed it I would think I was the one remembering it wrong.




No Asians - wait for it...


Game Shows

This is very long but you can quit at any time.


Today I just found out that I'm "woke". All this time I just thought I was good at history.


When you ask the rehab van driver to stop at Krispy Kreme make sure they know you're buying.





Ultraviolet Picture of the Sun


The Murchison meteorite found in Australia formed over seven billion years ago, making it over two billion years older than our solar system.


The view from the top of Mount Rushmore

That place really pissed me off. You park out there near the large wide white area and as you walk toward the viewing platform you can't see the figures because of overhead obstacles erected, I think, to force you to walk past dozens of trinkets and snack shops.


Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs


Selma Burke, the woman who designed the portrait of Franklin Roosevelt that's still on the dime to this day.


Chinese Typewriter

This is very informative and I strongly suggest you watch it.

*Viewer Contribution


Remember that random week in 2011 when the only news story was Charlie Sheen being on crack and hookers? Good times.


"Difficult to work with" usually means "Difficult to take advantage of".



One of the hazards of wind like that is what it does to umbrellas.


It looks to me like if you are in the wrong lane to turn onto your street then you have to drive all the way to the roundabout to turn around.



And that bad boy means business...

Reminds me of me in my prime.



Boy, would I love to have one of those!


Card Reader Addition


That reminds me of a house I almost bought. It seemed that every time you walked into a room there was another door that led to another room. It was amazing - except it was next door to a housing project and back then that was a problem.


This took me longer than it should have...


If a company is "always hiring" it means they are also "always firing".


My favorite thing about the good old days was I wasn't good and I wasn't old.



Might I suggest anger management?









An excellent example of situational awareness.


Beer or urine?


Please explain that to me.



Now little Asian children do it.


"High-calorie humans."


I was a master at sleeping on the job. I could hold a book in my lap and fall sound asleep and when someone walked up I just raised my head and smiled. Never did get caught.











Anonymous said...

A cunt on a dime.

Anonymous said...

You can go in the opposite direction and turn right into the feeder road.

Anonymous said...

Indian man cracks 217 walnuts with his head

Anonymous said...

It's all on a downhill slope.

Anonymous said...

Err… vaccinate the kid?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: the car has minor key damage.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Beatle tune?

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