About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

SUNDAY #5366

 One Of My Very Own








63% believe conservative media even though the owner of the largest admitted under oath that they lied to their audience to keep them from going somewhere else to be lied to.



Speaking of...

My cable company and Disney are in a pissing contest and all Disney-owned channels have been pulled from the schedule and Disney owns A LOT of channels.


There are people who shower with the lights off.


Remember that scene in Alien when the baby alien performed its own C-section?



A Park Bench That Can Fold Into A Table


This Swing That Lets Parents Swing Together With Their Kids


A Company Made A Pill Bottle With A Timer Showing When It Was Last Taken To Help People With Alzheimer's Or Any Other Thing


This Playground Has A Sign So Hearing And Deaf Kids Could Play Together


Ballot Bins In Manchester To Encourage People To Not Litter

Hospital Has A Fake LED Window On Their Ceiling

I would want it live-streamed to show me the weather outside.


Waterproof Cast

It would help in scratching the itches also.


Air Conditioned Construction Worker Jackets


Breathable Mattress To Prevent Infant Suffocation

Why aren't those used for every baby?


This Bathroom Lock Also Works As An Accessory Tray


These Bins In Sweden Show You What To Recycle


This Pizza Box In Japan Has A Handle In The Middle To Keep The Pizza Flat


This Shopping Cart Has A Map Of The Entire Store

Or they could just hand out paper maps as you entered.


This Hands-Free Sunscreen Machine That Rotates As It Sprays Your Body With Sunscreen


Beer drinkers will appreciate this one...


Bernard D. Sadow is credited with the invention of the rolling suitcase after he patented the idea in 1970.

 His design featured four wheels along the bottom of a suitcase with a pulling strap. Sadow's attempt was the first to catch on with travelers.


People-pleasing time is over. 

Become unacceptable.


Ask any homophobic man if he ever jerked off to lesbian porn and when he says "No" call him a liar to his face.


Somehow I ended up with a .22 pistol that had an adjustable rear sight that became loose. This is the gun.

And this is the groove where the rear sight could be slid from side to side.

So, I took it to a gunsmith for a replacement screw and he told me that not only could he not fix it but that I had to take it out of his shop immediately. My state passed a law that forbade him from having anything to do with such a cheap pistol which are called Saturday Night Specials.


Guess what this is.


Pure Anasaphilia.



Thanks to the trees.


*Viewer Contribution







^^C 7-10^^

Baby Exerciser


500 Tires moving one of the world's largest hydrocracking reactor

This is what it does...





It’s convenient how we ignore that the tops of soda cans are so filthy.


The Divorce rate in porn must be unrealistically high based on the number of stepsiblings.



A professor brought in a nude model so we could practice Gesture Drawings - using the minimum line to capture the gesture.

We only had a minute or two to complete each drawing and all was going well until that young woman spread her legs wide apart and her womanhood was staring me right in the face. I froze until she changed poses.


It's like the lady on the phone is just used to his shit.


I suggest two of them on a basketball court with a 3' streamer attached to their feet and they have a dogfight to run over the opponent's tail.


Agnes of God

An actress had been cast as the title role in the stage play Agness of God but she had never given birth and came to my wife to learn how to react during the birthing scene. She asked lots of questions like: how were your legs positioned, did you grab the sheets, did you arch your back, etc. So my wife got a sheet and acted out the whole ordeal.

If men had to undergo that pain they would have post-traumatic stress syndrome for the rest of their lives.


My ex-wife and I hung out with quite a few actors and actresses. And we both agreed that the problem was that they were always "on" - they never stopped acting. Or so it seemed to us.



How did she keep it from coming out her nose?



If that was faked, they both did an admirable acting job.


Do. Not. Do. That.



Time to limit the number of permits.

 This is the queue for the Khumbu Ice Fall, one of the most treacherous parts of the Mt Everest route. The weather means it is always moving and people had to wait more than 1.5 hours here.

A local doctor lost all of his fingers to frostbite on Everest. "What the hell was I thinking" was his quote later.



Peter Hickman set a new lap record at the Isle of Man TT. 138.4 mph average. I can’t think of a better example of human skill, focus, memory, and risk all rolled into one activity. 




THAT is product endorsement!







Oh, look, somebody...

_ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _    _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

Purchased by mail order?
Did they require ID, permit etc?

Larry said...

Puzzle time , look someone went over the speed limit!

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C1 Anon,
None of the above. Back then a child could buy one. I bought a WWI Springfield rifle for $5 at Woolworths when I was 12 years old.

Anonymous said...

B13: Because paper maps cause more litter and tree destruction. For those who don't need a cart, just post a map of the store at the entrance.

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