About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 One Of My Very Own



*Viewer Contribution



*I am a huge fan of the absurd.


 Exercise is exercise, so get up off the couch and get moving.

I talked to a young woman about why she wore uncomfortable high heels and she said it was because it made her calves look sexy. The woman above did the same by standing on her tiptoes.


Beautiful photography.


I wonder if she dashed off the stage from pain or embarrassment.


Another clip as old as the internet...


I've mentioned this before but this looks exactly like the portion of the ancient Cherokee Trail that ran from Ashville, NC to Charleston, SC long before they were called that.

And it was about this deep also.


I can't imagine not doing it.


These people are digging their seats out from the snow at a football stadium.





If you only take away one thing from Folio Olio let it be: 








There is such a thing as over-parenting.


In middle and high school I wrote with a fountain pen. I liked cartridge pens and I preferred clear plastic.

Well, I would catch flies and put them in the space inside the pen barrel between the cartridge on the tip of the pen. Once it laid maggots in there.


I bet that is an excellent example of my mural mantra:




NOTE: I put myself through undergraduate and graduate school as a bartender and later even owned two bars. I have a lot of true bar stories. Here's the first three.





Why don't we consider that women use men?


I just want to live long enough to see my daughter's satellite make it into space.




*I made a similar OOMVO.


I guess I'm not the only one to hate those.
















Anonymous said...


Is it still on track for 2025?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time - one foot in the grave

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C3 Anon,

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