*Viewer Contribution
I am a world-class collector. I too display the items I've amassed.
My father-in-law had a whole wall shelved and filled with beer cans from all over the country. For most of his adult life, he traveled a lot and searched out brands he didn't have. When he died none of his relatives wanted them. But true collectors do not collect to create heirlooms. We collect because it brings us a little bit of joy.
When my friend Dylan began collecting star dollars he told me he didn't tell people because he feared they would think him "silly". I told him that anything that brings joy can't be silly by definition.
Some people brag about how much their collection is worth. I believe that these people are investors, not collectors.
I'm not sure I understand that design.
*I hate that font.
I was on a jury of a group of men arrested after the police burst into their apartment at the exact minute the
microwave dinged on their crack.
Wait for it...
A master of self-promotion.
I do not know what that is.
My mural company had two vehicles and both had CB radios. They really came in handy.
In the shadow of a goddess...
I Haven't A Clue
Animal Rescue

C8: Demonstrating how they operate those characters from inside.
A5- it bothers me that the wrench should be on the left side (lefty loosey) and the knife on the right(right fighty). It's bass ackwards.
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