About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 13, 2024

MONDAY #5619

One Of My Very Own




That reminds me of that WWII bunker that I explored. To get down into it I had to traverse square stairs descending a large round shaft. There were no handrails and many of the steps were severely damaged. Oh, and it was pitch black dark.


Have you ever wondered why we don't eat carnivores? Well, it takes about 100 pounds of feed to produce one pound of cow. But it also takes about 100 pounds of beef to produce one pound of, say, lion. You do the math.





What do you think is the problem?



People online make a big deal about being "forklift certified". When I worked in a warehouse the extent of my "certification" was "Here's the gas, here's the brake, up/down knob here, don't run into anything".







Remember this lady?


How delightful.


















Do those things tear up boats at sea?




Body Control


China Bamboo Boating









Anonymous said...

What do you think is the problem?

She forgot she was at work (as in she's a waiter), grabbed a customer's shot (they each have two) and downed it.


Anonymous said...


Compared to a normal warehouse worker the forklift guy earns a lot more, relatively speaking.

Anonymous said...


I heard a rabbit lives in that cave...

Anonymous said...


How are blind people supposed to know where braille signs are located in order to read them?

Anonymous said...

A6 - I think this is set up. The two guys are about to toast one another and the waitress just joins in, then sort of realises that maybe she wasn't expected to.


Ralph Henry said...

Dear Robin,
I agree. Otherwise, why was it being filmed? With that said waitresses and bartenders taking shots happen all the time.

Anonymous said...


Why stop him?

Anonymous said...

Dear Robin,
I agree. Otherwise, why was it being filmed? With that said waitresses and bartenders taking shots happen all the time.

It was filmed because it's an advert for the MERE restaurant chain in Europe.

greg carlile said...

puzzle answer: under cover cop

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