(or as I call it, yet another day off...sort of)
This is one awesome dog.
This is not an awesome dog.
"Turn in your dog card, Fido, you've gone over to the dark side."
Speaking of just can't trust them......nice image....
Methink there was a Black Lab in the wood pile, so to speak.
Those animals...


Speaking of fish....
This looks serious...I mean, how long do you think it took to clean their shit out of that boat?
Please note: The caption was NOT one of mine. I don't fly any more than that penguin does.
TRUE: This mountain lion picked the wrong mule to attack. That bad ass son of a bitch mauled that cat. In this photo it had already stomped the cat 19 times. Oh, yeah....
Goddamn that is funny in a cruel demented sort of way....
Okay, you are led into the cellblock for the first time and a big bull dike growls, "What you in for?" And you say, "Giving birth to bunnies." Well, your fear factor stock just fell to near zero and you should expect to be broom raped before lunch.You wondering how this next image got in a post about animals? Look closer.
There is a joke about getting a little head in here somewhere...
I dare you to explain this.....
Cool!...........................................Get it?
( "He must have smelled my elephant," she said )
Oh, look, sheep!............... Wait....
(Two fucking instructions: Get down and lower your head. Just two.And I'll just be good goddamn if I would want to look up.)
One of my very own...
PS: I am getting some very strange site hits on my blog. I think that the spikes are due to a search engine that is programmed to find certain words or combination of words. For instance - bomb new york. If you will allow me, I am going to see if I get a spike in viewership with these combinations:
shoot Palin
Sink oil rig
poison Obama
China spies
Spies identified
Don't tell the FBI
Don't tell the CIA
Get word to the Koreans
Putin is gay
North Korean battle plan
Iranian attack
Chevy Nova
Freedom train
Burka whores
Mohammed rules
US nuclear response strategies
New sonar designs
Ultra super duper Top Secret
New stolen confidential information
For your eyes only
Israeli weaknesses
Israeli strengths
Don't tell the Israelis
Mideast final solution
Bin Laden's phone number
Yo Momma
I'm afraid the government will find out
Tell spies to kiss my fucking ass
The "package" is in the trash can ; )
Make sure you wear a disguise
Fake ID's for sale
Allah will forgive you
You don't need to be able to land
One bomb, one city...done
Children for sale
Bin Laden I love you
Die Yankee pigs
Duke's mayonnaise
Don't be anywhere around the White House tomorrow
مواقع مصرية مصر
There, that ought to do it.
1 comment:
You're insane. Better save your best jokes for the guys tapping your phone calls from now on.
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