About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have a witness! I told my wife several weeks ago that Susan Anthony would be found not guilty. I watched some of the trial while "working" on the computer and I could smell it coming.
And if you care, I think she was guilty of covering up a tragic accident.
So, I can only assume now she will begin searching for the "real" killers.
Now it's time to laugh about it...

Let's do more true shit about murder...

Speaking of justice...

Shit like this next one scares the shit out of me....

Note: In my opinion, at 4.5mm, it's not a BB, it's a fucking ball bearing.
(Do want!)

On a personal note, I just got back from my two day poker trip. I won, but not as much as usual.
Anyway, on the morning of July 4th I was starving. I asked everyone sharing the house if they wanted to go with me to breakfast, but none did. One guy had gotten up early and had already eaten breakfast and told me not to go to the place at the end of the block. I thought to myself 'Who could fuck up a breakfast'.
So I got in my truck and drove to three restaurants but they had long lines extending out the door, so I went to the place at the end of the block.
I had my NY Times crossword for the wait, so what could go wrong? Well, even though the place was only about half full, it took about ten minutes before I was even given a menu and asked what I wanted to drink. Then it took another 10 minutes for her to come back and take my order. I THEN WAITED 30 FUCKING MINUTES FOR MY MEAL.
Now, the old woman apologized several times, but then there was the meal. The two scrambled eggs were completely moistureless and as hard as a brick. There was one piece of dry, cold toast and no butter. Then there was the cold lumpy grits with no butter. The bacon was damn near raw. Oh, and I didn't have a pen for my crossword.
But, I hope at least you had a nice 4th.

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