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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


NOTE: Several of the images in this post were taken out of a file I call "Photography" and I think they are very good.

Deep thoughts by people I don't know...

I sometimes ask traffic lights (out loud) to stay green for me, then thank them when they do; sometimes using pet names that I would be embarrassed to mention.

I think I have this next one figured out...
Back when I was writing every fucking day, I sometimes found myself out in the woods or sitting in the middle of the city writing whatever setting I was working on. I wanted the smells, sounds, etc of the street or forest or whatever.
I think this man is doing the same thing.
As a matter of fact, my friend, Kent, was on a cruise on which was James Michener. Several months later Michener came out with "Caribbean". It was our guess that he, too, was doing research.

This has art installation written all over it....

Don't you hate it when a young person takes one Political Science class and thinks he can solve all the world's problems.

Yeah, that looks fun...
 And why is she a foot taller than the men?

I used to tell my daughters that Trix Cereal was fairy poo.

Yes, that's a mop and yes those are high-heels...and yes that's a plastic plant that drives me up the fucking wall.
If you have plastic plants in your home, DO NOT invite me over....please.

I think this is a blow-up swimming pool...

I have a friend whose fiance and he registered at Shooter's Choice. If you don't know what Shooter's Choice is and you are planning on coming south of the Mason/Dixon line....well, you might want to bone up.

Well, at least they are headed to the beach...

TRUE: For every person who dies in a terrorist attack globally, 58 people in the US die due to lack of health care.
Invade a hospital.

I think if you find this little fellow, your evening plans are more or less cancelled....

Turns out, "Cowboys & Aliens" is NOT about Arizona's immigration laws.

You tilted your head to look at her, didn't you....didn't you?

A PRANK: I was in a bar one time and left my cigarettes on the table when I went to the rest room. When I came back and lit a cigarette, I lit the filter and all my friends laughed at me. So, trying not to look too concerned, I carefully popped one out and placed it in my mouth, careful not to turn it around again. But alas, I lit the filter again. You see, those bastards had turned all of my cigarettes around.

I bet this man makes more money than any bum on the street....and deservedly so....

They have taken our dignity at airports; our freedoms in the name of security; our jobs have gone overseas; and our homes are sold to tourists. All the while giving their CEO's millions in bonus. When did they change the constitution to read "We the sheeple"?

Welcome to New York, yo....

I read my daughters the "Where Do Babies Come From" picture book backwards. It starts out with a baby coming out of mommy's vagina and ends with her and daddy celebrating with hot monkey love.

Psst! You're doing it wrong...

Are there any words that seem out of place in the next sentence?

Remember, even the mightiest of statues will get shit on.

In the eye of the beholder, indeed!!
Just wait til the meth wears off.

I love my wife more than a back alley whore loves crack.

Look, ya'll, the Rockettes with real rockets....

I don't do drugs. I am drugs. - Salvador Dali

Justin Bieber got a matching tattoo with his dad. It is Hebrew for Jesus. 
But doesn't the dad look tickled pink about it....no, really...pink...

This is TRUE!!! (I think) It might have been Islam for Dummies. Anyway, the Army had them printed and believe it or not some people had problems with that...
Due to the criticism, the Army took the books from the troops and stopped distribution.

TRUE: I left my bartender my poker table in my will.

Oh, look, it's Einstein in a head dress...your argument is invalid....

TRUE: There are now churches with ATM's.

This man deserves a raise...

This guy ought to meet the guy pulling the donkey...

Interesting. Just thinking about the nuclear weapons and the death threats to writers and cartoonists and then remembering that one generation ago all these bastards were living in tents and poking goats with a stick.

God answered the prayers of a paralyzed boy yesterday.
God said, "No."

It is impossible for a man to look at this and not think....oh, you know...and most women have the same look on their face when handling the real McCoy....

ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN: When I went to college I enrolled in History of Women 101, and on the first day I held up my hand and said, "I just want to say that I think history is too much His story. I'm here for Her story. I look forward to a great class."
Then I sat back and collected panties.

I now dub thee Gleeful Innocence...

My question is, are the present day Mayans freaking out over this whole 2012 thing? If not, why not?

Define usual...

Yes, that is the last space shuttle...

Love conquers all...

Interesting that all four of these minds are thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time...


One of my very own....


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