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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


In a post a few days ago I stated, "Fuck trees." This I now regret.

I like nature. I like the way it eats everything we make with surprising speed.

I like the way it will destroy even the strongest of our structures if we drop our attention for a decade or so...

This country was built by men in denim and will be destroyed by men in suits.

But you have to admit that this looks very much like some cancerous growth invading a vital organ...

But I like how nature allows us, with minimal effort, to conceal our deepest secrets....

Walking through Walmart yesterday, I saw an elderly gentleman who could barely walk and an old woman with a walker going in opposite directions down the canned food aisle. When passing each other, he tipped his hat and she smiled as demure as a school girl.
Chivalry is very alive, gentle readers, and it's on the canned food aisle at Walmart.

I like how some weeds get real big and real fast and....well, this shit is totally cool.
 There was a bamboo "forest" near my home when I was a kid, so thick you couldn't walk through it in places, and we did all kinds of shit with it. As I understand it, we (humans) are finally beginning to make things like kitchen cabinets out of it.

I like when people do shit like this...I mean...they were here first...

A guy lives here. He's some naturalist nut, but you have to admit....it's pretty fucking cool. Although he probably shits in the same river where your child swims.

Never fly wearing anything you wouldn't want to hike in.

People have been using things that grow right out of the ground for transportation for a long time.
I just wonder how difficult it is to steer this boat....

I don't have a problem with beer....I have a problem with the police.

Nice juxtaposition of wood and not wood, don't you think....

99% of the people on the planet have never actually seen a car made of wood. I've ridden in one.

Did you know that if you put your ear up to a stranger's leg, you can hear them say, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?"

And then there is amber....one of the coolest things on the whole fucking planet.
I won't bore you with what it is (look it up...it ain't that hard), but here are some examples of the things that get trapped in it...

And (TRUE) these, gentle readers, are dinosaur feathers trapped forever in a few drops of tree sap.....Yeah, pretty fucking cool....

I can be Googled, therefore I am.

And, of course, we can use trees for paper....for better or worse....

And to make the greatest toy ever invented.....EVER!

I like animals, too. But mostly I like animals photographed looking stupid....

This may look like these blood-thirsty bastards are greeting a long lost relative, but the real story is not so pleasant...

These animals do in fact like one another...

The jury is still out for these....

It's always fun when wild animals come in contact with humans...
Wouldn't you love to know what each is thinking?
And who took the fucking picture?!?!?


Sheer shit in your pants panic in 5.....4.....3.....

It is impossible for society to be both equal and fair.

TRUE: This is an orphanage in Kenya for baby elephants whose mothers have been killed.
 When they release them, many, many miles away, some of the adults travel the great distance back to the orphanage to show off their own offspring to their old caretakers. Is that fucking great or what?!?!

Animal photos I like...

I think she just likes to pinch her own nipples and uses the animals as a cover.




Two of my very own...one for the men and one for the women....both nasty....


1 comment:

Suzysometimes said...

I thought your blog was great until we got to the cartoons...some of them were actually amusing, but you went downhill from there. I had planned to subscribe, but now I am not sure I want to. Your descent into porn was disappointing.


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