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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I just remembered where I saw that whole freedom of assembly thing written down....

And this is an 85 year old woman pepper-sprayed in Seattle...SEA-FUCKING-ATTLE OF ALL FUCKING PLACES. 

I don't give a flying fuck what your politics are, arresting people for standing on a fucking sidewalk IN AMERICA IS JUST FUCKING WRONG!!!!

I would love to hear the counter-arguments, people. If you think Americans do not have the right to stand in a public area and hold up signs....please...pleeeeeeeze leave a comment. I am very interested in your rationale.

But before you do......take a look at that old woman's face. Tell me if men with guns can be ordered by a governor or a mayor to do that to their own citizens without making the rest of us fucking tremble in fear. FUCK FEAR, YOU FUCKING LEMMINGS!!!! THIS SHIT IS GETTING REAL!  

I eagerly await your comments.


the boy said...

i will be honest about this occupy movement. for one ive never been more proud to be an american. to see these people, veterans, retirees, students, moms, dads, grandparents, all in solidarity to bring these crooks to justice and end the incredibly dangerous and incredibly unfair gap in income. but the more i watch what happens in portland, seattle, nyc, oakland and even columbia i only see one thing happening. we are coming closer and closer to a head from this movement, and soon it will bust wide open. unfortunately i see this movement (where and who i have no idea) reaching a point where police will eventually use violent force, and we will be glued to the TV and internet watching as these protesters face the same ill fate the ones at kent state did 31 years ago. it will happen, and when it does, this thing will take off.

Ralph Henry said...

You, sir, are my horse if you never win a race.

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