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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I was surprised over how many odd images I had to share. I like odd images. I like to think about what or why was going on...but maybe that's just me.

If I have no ideas of my own, I will just post a ????? and you are free to leave a comment if you know anything about it.


I find it odd that these children "live" in a garbage dump by themselves, but the Catholic Church down the street has gold candle sticks and shit like that.

How the fuck did he manage this?

Eating fried pickles changed my life.

What in the name of Linda Lovelace is she doing?

It's better to have loved and lost than to be butt-ugly.



Scene out of a movie?

If you don't know what these are, it's okay, it really is...

I find it odd that grown men will make bets like this...

Please notice how much space the other riders have given them...

Finally! I've found someone lazier than I am...

I find it odd how easily people just jump on a fad...

I find it odd not that this man does this for money, I find it odd that people pay money to see it.

But they did it centuries ago. These are the Minoans.
 We know that by the images in their ruins...

I can only get that "Runner's High" by smoking pot before I run, and then not actually running.
(and that, Jambre, is why I called that old sprinter an idiot)

You think he was accidently hit by fireworks or some such shit?

When my daughter was a teenager she wore so much makeup that drag queens would come up to her and say, "Tone it down."

And is this a fireworks mishap or ordinance fired to disperse them?

This is a Secret Post. I want her job.



And protecting animals that kill people puzzles me. And yes, that is an alligator and yes it is biting a helicopter.


I don't know how many dogs you have to have to have enough dogs.

This is a real Timber Wolf killed by a ranger...

I find it odd that the government allowed foreign pet fish into this country knowing what would happen when they entered our eco-system.

Do you think that when cats return to their litter box that every so often they think "Holy Shit! Somebody has been stealing my shit!"


What the fuck is this about?

That bottle of liquor that finally killed Amy Winehouse must feel like the pilot that shot down the Red Baron.

I find make-up odd.

If you don't need to be highly educated to be a "real" philosopher, then aren't we all philosophers?

I believe that children are our future. Because if things get really, really bad, we're going to have to eat them to survive......but maybe that's just me.

I find it odd that, at the time, one of the largest corporations in the world couldn't solve this problem...

I find it odd that every bed is not designed like this...

I find it odd that 99% of untrained people trying to make "art" on a building will write words. 

I find this odd. I've mentioned before the lecture I heard concerning mistakes people make and how they fall into certain categories. This is an example of "Just doing what I was told".

I find it odd that 50% of the American people want to legalize marajuana and 0% of the senate. I didn't think that's the way it was supposed to work. Aren't we suppose to tell them what to do instead of the other way around?

I find it odd that after all these years we still don't know how these ancient people managed to do this with such huge stones.

The National Association of Zombies said today that it's not necrophilia if we're both dead.

????? A little vague isn't it?

I find it odd that I didn't think of this years ago...

I do not find it odd over the things people invent.
I do find it odd that they get the funding to actually go into production...

Never touch your pet again.....odd that....


I find it odd that so much time is spent inventing ANOTHER toaster....

I find conspiracy believers odd. But no more odd that talking snakes and making people out of a rib and shit like that...two feathers of the same bird I would say...

I find it odd that a naked rabbit wears gloves...

I don't find it odd that an eight foot Lego man washed up on a beach and is all over the internet.
I do find it odd that no one has claimed it.

I find it odd that back in the earth is flat days, these people would be facing Mecca, but today we know they live on a sphere and it don't work that way...

I say you should force your children to read the bible...all of it, then let them make up their own minds. I predict that if you have smart and kind children the bible will put them off religion for life.

Odd? No. Collective insanity. Yes.


Is getting an erection at a funeral considered mourning wood?


One of my very own...


This reminds me of a guy I knew who sat on a floor furnace when he was a baby and had a scar grid on his ass.
(if you don't know what a floor furnace is, look it up, I don't have time)
(you think those are real? I don't.)

I think this is a very provocative image...of this brunette...


Anybody hear about this? I plan not to go to work on that day, by god!

Nothing to be concerned about it's just snowing like hell IN OCTOBER!!!!!

1 comment:

Jambe said...

Interesting stuff as usual.

I support protection of dangerous critters... one of the primary reasons being we inflict enough wanton suffering that some of us should ensure said critters have a crack at evening the score...

Clearly we need to reverse-engineer chickens into velociraptors just for this purpose. That'd work nicely.

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