About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This is what is called a Two-Fisted Drinker. If you run into one, it's your lucky night...

This boy is not looking at her hands...

I don't want to sound like a badass, but I remove my USB without ejecting it safely.

Bacon (noun): The main reason you are not a vegetarian.

I'll take a class in how to manage my anger when you take a class in how to shut the fuck up.

I believe this is a uniquely American insult.

We all know what it means, since it's often accompanied with a Fuck You...

Does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

We even use it toward objects when there is no one else around...

And it doesn't even seem to matter how you hold the other fingers as long as the middle one is extended...

SUPPOSEDLY TRUE: A person will create enough saliva during his lifetime to fill two average size swimming pools.

Girls just wanna have fun...

I have some very interesting stories about such things...but I will spare you....

I wonder what a Triscuit has three of that a biscuit has two of.

Why anyone would want to own this t-shirt escapes me...

And when you need to wash your hands, there's this...

Hands free...how clever...

You've got to hand it to him...

Fuck Santa Claus. He works one day a year, then spends the rest of it judging me.

Hands....get it.....

This man had his fake arm altered to hold his device....

I bet if we had met in a past life, you would have been an asshole then too.


Several of "One of my very own" that has to do with hands...but, unfortunately, are not all that funny....



For $15 thou you can now buy this brand new reissued Mustang body...exactly like the original from the same stamps. But you have to add your own motor, seats, etc...

This is actually kind of fun to pick them out at random...

"I want whatever he's drinking."

Maalox....who woulda thunk.....

7 billion of us now...

And still some country have women pumping them out like factories...

THANKS, GUYS!!!! Keep sending me stuff...I need it...

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