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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Because of my new format, Anti-sermons will be sprinkled throughout weekday posts. No post on Saturday or Sunday unless I change my mind.

Well, I never saw this coming...

Indeed. Fucking indeed.

How interesting if anyone found that last blasphemous entry blasphemous and therefore insulting. I mean....He (Jesus) ordered.....ORDERED believers to eat his fucking flesh....and, I assume, quiver with joy while they did it.

Well, of course it it! How could anyone have any doubts?
Yeah, you want to talk mental illness with me?

So, if any believers are still tuned in...let me cut to the chase.
People have believed bullshit for...oh...ever. It's like humanity's hobby...to believe bullshit to make you feel special. And you agree with me 99.99999999 percent of the time! Read on.
The Egyptian king as god....bullshit. The Incas.....bullshit. Mayans....bullshit. Nazis supreme race....bullshit. Lon Nol insanity.....bullshit. Great Spirit in the Sky....bullshit. All of the dozens of suicidal cults in just America over the last few decades.....bullshit. Muslims......bullshit. Television healers.....bullshit.
So why is it so very fucking difficult to take that one last fucking step? Noah walking to the North Fucking Pole to fetch two polar bears is bullshit....or swimming to Australia for two of every 500 or so unique species that live there.
Praying does not work. There was never, is never, will never be ANY proof that it works.....bullshit.
Is there a god? How the fuck am I supposed to know?
But should I reject proven reality and substitute the imagination of goat sacrificing, rule breaker stoning, dirt floor living, no toilet paper inventing fanatics and give them credit for knowing the "TRUTH" 2000 years ago?......bullshit.
Gentle readers......it's all pure fucking bullshit.
And I'm a gambler, folks, and the odds are waaaaaay in my favor. Even given Christianity's total believers and the math works out to....oh.....58 trillion believers in bullshit and.....YOU!!!! And you believe you, through an accident of birth, just happened to pick the true TRUTH....logic I find inconceivably  naive. 
Nothing...ever....EVER...has had an explanation of "Magic". Trillions of trillions  of events and not one was ever diagnosed as magic......not fucking one.
"Oh, but Jesus walking on water wasn't magic...it was a miracle."
Is it just me, or does this sound just too fucking surreal to deal with?

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