About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Well, folks, I've made a major change to my posts. From now on I glean the interweb and email contributions and you get what I find...one day at a time.
The following are (is?) my finds on Wednesday and it's a true olio. Try to cope.
The problem, of course, is that some days I glean much more than other days, so expect some fluctuations.
I felt the need to do this because Folio Olio was taking way too much of my time. I have some ideas for some of my own real art and well.....something had to give.
Further, by it's very spontaneous nature, these are present in no particular order, but I kind of like it that way.

I meet a lot of people that I just want to thank for not breeding.

Why is this so hard for so many people?

Nostalgia is for people with no future.

If the Mayans predicted the 2012 apocalypse, how come they didn't see the Spaniards coming?.......Well?
(I can't wait to tell my grandchildren how many times I have survived the end of the world.)

My wife and I go together like drunk and disorderly.

Many of these images require no comment. They are what they are.
Further, I like to share images that if I were walking down the street and saw it, then I would poke you with my elbow and nod for you to see it too. This fulfills that criteria.....

I call my penis Titanic because it always goes deep and wet late at night.........and people die.

Just some more Russian kids having fun....

I get it. I know a woman's body is her own. I know every side of the issue and would never legislate a woman's choice. But it makes me very, very sad.

Ever notice how "What the hell" is always the right answer?

I'm not lazy.
I just don't do stuff.

 If you don't know who this is, it's okay. It really is....

More Urban Exploration....

Crossword clue: Act that may be read.
_ _ _ _
[ RIOT ]


Guaranteed disaster: Eating a burrito before sex.

I've met people who call themselves an artist and couldn't draw blood.....or a breath.



Life always offers you a second chance.
It's called tomorrow.

For Lara....
 (remember the voices I would make?)

Anyone wanting a smart, beautiful and wealthy wife has to get married at least three times.

 Pococurante: Caring little; indifferent; nonchalant.

So, how was your day?

Singing into a hairbrush is a perfectly acceptable pastime.

This is a great idea....

Here's to Newt Gingrich finally treating his presidential campaign as if it was a sick wife.

In America we have two sports: Football and sadness.

That awesome moment when you are lying and your best friend notices and joins in.
But maybe that's just me and my friends.

Yes, this beer mug has a bell on the handle...

Waiting for political systems to get better is like waiting for a ship at the airport.

What a marvelous image...


"Ladies first" is just a nice way of saying "Let me look at your butt while you walk in front of me".

 There's a butt floss joke in there some where.

Why? Why should you relinquish your thirst to understand?
 (Agley: Off the right line; awry; wrong.)

One of the very best things about being old.

I am so hilarious. I feel bad for the people who don't get to listen to my hilariousness.

Please....PLEASE tell me this is magic marker....

"What ya doin', Pablo?"
"I just earned a Farrari." 

I know the voices aren't real. But they have some great ideas.

Remember the time before the interweb when we weren't lied to?

The fifteenth richest fictional characters...


Jambe said...

Is the kid who plays Joffrey adept at portraying that fantastic little shit, or what? Jeeze.

Ralph Henry said...

Jambe, do you know every fucking thing?

If I had to pick a great character, it would go to the dwarf....flat out believable.

Jambe said...

Well, I do think I have an insufferable know-it-all quality sometimes... but Game of Thrones is just immensely popular. And yeah, Peter effing Dinklage! When he slapped the shit out of Joffrey I laughed with glee.

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