About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Dearest Children,
It's been a hell of a week.
My computer started thinking for itself. Windows would open without being prompted. Drag and drop function would work sometimes and would balk at others. My email shut down completely.
Anyway, I took my machine to a man called Mr. Mac. He is called that for a reason. He bought one of the first Macs off the shelf a million years ago and has been working on them ever since.
What scared the shit out of me was an internet bullshit report that 600,000 Macs had been infected by some new virus. That's bullshit, reports Mr. Mac. He has NEVER detected a virus on a Mac.....NEVER.
So, after two days of complete diagnosis he called to report that there was nothing whatsoever wrong with my computer. He further suggested that I call my Roadrunner people and let them check out my service. I did and lo and behold, they had to replace the line from the pole to my splitter box. Not only was it the old style cable, but squirrels had been gnawing on it.
Now, thankfully, I'm back in business.

It's Saturday night and no time for a real post. I present you with some lame "One of my very own" that never made the cut and were just sitting there...."in the can" as it were.

I have some mighty fine finds that I gleaned from the interweb and will share with you Monday.

1 comment:

Jambe said...

This sure looks like an official Apple exploit-patching update to me.

Trust the anecdotes of third party repair folks if you want... I think I made the point once before, but OS X is a sieve compared to a good Linux install and fares worse than Vista/W7 in many aspects. As Macs become more popular, so too will exploits for them. Grifters follow the crowds...

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