About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


One Of My Very Own








This blogging didn't come with an instruction book, Y'all. 





Why are there so many anti-electric car people out there? It seems like a no-brainer to me so what am I missing? Maybe they own stock in oil companies.







Michael Caine first saw Shakira Beikish on television in a coffee ad back in 1977. They have now been married for over 46 years.



Bear Comes Out of Hibernation

"While hibernating, bears lose all pigmentation due to conserving all energy. This is a black bear."


I tried to look that up. I found that bear fur can be bleached out by the sun but nothing like what they stated. Does anyone know differently?


Not only is the alarm clock that wakes you with an orgasm true but they are sold on Amazon!

*Viewer Contribution


An air mattress is great for when you want to sleep on the floor but not right away.


Things I've learned from horror movies:

1.  If anyone falls down while running away they will die.

2. If after a gruesome murder, one of the campers comes back into camp and says he went for a walk because he couldn't sleep - he did it.

3. If anyone is being chased by a moving vehicle and runs down the middle of the road they deserve to die and I'm rooting for the bad guy.





The man is a professional athlete but he still fills the need to do that.


I need your help again. I'm usually embarrassed when they are explained, but I don't have a clue for this.



Speaking of...






People say that money can't buy happiness. 

I offer as my rebuttal...


If anyone has ever wondered where my love for the female foot originated...


Star Wars


Never trust an electrician who is missing their eyebrows.


Some of you sumbitches are beyond needing Jesus. We'll have to go back to Norse Mythology to find the specific pagan God to fix your shit.













He did a front backflip.







My fuck buddy in high school drove one of those.




Lightning Witch


As a society, we are underutilizing bread bowls. Almost all foods should be served in them.


I used to think that a 401k meant you had $401,000 in the bank. Now I still don't know what it means but I know it doesn't mean that.



Remember me telling you I was called an "accident-prone kid"? 

Wait for it...







I make this face often...


A Beautiful Day










Anonymous said...

They are expensive.
They are talking to the mothership which has control over them.
You have to have it serviced by the the dealer network, expensive.
Once out of warranty the mothership will stop giving you software updates etc. or sell you a $$$ replacement battery.
Their range is limited and you are tied to routes with charging stations.
In my country electricity is also fuck expensive.
There are other things I forgot.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

Anonymous said...

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and buy an electric car. I would love to see you & the missus touring those back country roads you love so much in one. It would make great content for your blog.

This lady has it figured out,

Lergnom said...

Re: B3. Maybe he didn't want to spend the interview talking into her chest, as pleasant as that may be.

Anonymous said...

I considered getting a Tesla but with all the EV haters out there I'm afraid of someone disconnecting the power chord, I'll give it a few more years for an EV but we're all bound to eventually get one down the road.

With that, also that bowling ball stuff I've done some accidents myself with the bowling ball like accidentally send it down into the lane next to mine.

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