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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012



 There I fixed it....

What a wonderful solution....form and beauty...

And you thought your wife was cold....

You might want to look at this carefully....

Speaking of boats....this solar powered boat has been breaking all kinds of records....

I saw a peach orchard that was cut like this. They appeared to be trimmed to allow for easy picking....

When in Germany, I saw a thick hedge that was about 5' from the house and as tall as the house. But it had windows cut out in appropriate places. I wonder why this guy didn't do that.

It's called closure, folks, and our mind is very, very good at it.

 [ Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Hitler, Andy Warhol ]

Pictures of these remind me what Mr. Fuller said: Man hates nature; otherwise he never would have invented architecture. 


I think the "pings" on the deck are the shell casings being ejected...

I visited a sight about reuse of discarded items. This is one of the better suggestions...

A meteorite with holes...

There are two worldwide fads. One is holding a souvenir of a famous structure and taking a picture. The other is holding an old photo in front of the place as it is now. This is a combination of both, and is rather clever.

Wouldn't it be nice if everybody had one of these pinned to their chest.....

I dated the Italian consul's daughter in Germany. I never will forget the power of her leather diplomatic passport.
Border guards would salute me!

This is what a flash flood looks like....

I visited a site where a guy goes out and photographs sad things he finds on the street.....like this...

I think that this could fit in the sad things category...

Ladies, please. Just give it a moment's thought....

You would think my car insurance company would give me a discount for this anti-theft device I have on my convertible....

In the late '80's I bought a 1948 GMC that had never been out of the county it was purchased in. It was discovered on blocks in a barn. After new tires, hoses, belts, battery, it cranked right up and you couldn't hear it run. It was a marvel.


This is a deuce and a half (2 1/2 ton) truck. It above all else was credited with winning WWII....

Take a look at the car below. Now think about us still using the combustion engine today.
 Now think about where we have developed in medicine, communication and flight. Don't make sense does it.

I asked my students to make colored paper collages to be used as models for a mural in the auditorium. The theme was things children do at our school. Below are children playing basketball. He was in the first grade.
 But what you may not know is that there are basically three ways to show one thing is behind another. The first is overlapping the two items....check. The other is making the farther item smaller.....check. And then the very sophisticated concept that the farther item will appear higher on the picture plane...check.
Remember, he was 6 years old....but he had a great teacher.

I did not like how upset I was when I thought my computer was broke....didn't like it at all...

Did you know that the first space suits were made by a bra manufacturer?

When I was young they had cartoon characters advertising cigarettes....

Children "played" smoking with candy...

Most of us lost our virginity in a drive-in movie...

I used to hike through a bamboo forrest that got so thick we had to walk around it. Some of the stalks were as thick as your thigh.
 I am very pleased that we are starting to make cabinets and such out of bamboo. It's a grass, you know.

I'm a real sucker for things like this...

I've built a lot of things, but mostly out of wood. I wish I knew how to do this....

How to find out if your wife really loves you...

Wonder how the unusual patina effect happened?
 Here, let me give you a hint....

Recognize this from that famous photograph?

This is what bone cancer looks like. Have a nice day...

Got a comment on a year old blog. It was from a woman who said she loved my blog until she got to the cartoons and the "PORN". She left me her blog address and I visited it. There were four or five pages of written material per post. Sorry, lady, I don't think anybody has that much time any more.
Further, I label each section...you don't like it....skip it.




1 comment:

Jambe said...

If you want to find out more about an image you can use images.google.com (it's not always effective, but it finds interesting stuff often enough to be useful). Click the little camera icon, then either paste in the link (URL) of an online image or upload one of your own to search with.

Turns out the "pings" on the deck of that warship are sprays of seawater from a "countermeasure washdown system".

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