About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This is the school in Moore....but....
Where is the black roofed building?

Half the people in the US live in a one hundred mile swathe from Washington, DC to Boston.

Vitamin C, or as they say in Spain: Vitamin Yes.

This man would get some of my money...

In some places, viewing such cartoons can get you thrown in jail. I just don't get it...

Reading a book about a corporation that said you could tell which floor someone worked on by the thread count.

A US citizen who uses a false Social Security card could go to jail. Yet there are millions of people who don’t belong here using false cards and do not face jail time. What’s up with that?

What language is this last one, and why?

Being retired, I sometimes go all day thinking it's one day when it's another. Like today I thought it was Thursday and it's really Sunday.

 Soap dispenser.

Grounded planes on 9/11...

Contrails of dog fights over London in WWII...

When most people die, there will only be a small handful of people who even miss an appointment the day they hear the news. There will be, of course, a much smaller group whose life will be forever changed. When you get old you think about such things.

My friend, Karl, died of cancer last year. His widow just happen to run in to one of his doctors and they spoke. I say one of his doctors because he had one in Columbia, SC and one in Augusta, Ga. The doctor said that because of Karl, the two doctors have been collaborating on a breakthrough treatment of Karl’s rare ailment.

I find that interesting.

A couple of interesting exam questions...

I could argue that being "cute" is an asset to species survival, since man is now a huge factor in the environment and his preferences matter. Not saying that's right, I'm saying it's the way it is...

The first time I took my wife home for Sunday dinner, my mother told me she was a keeper...

Taking naps sounds so childish. I prefer to call them horizontal life pauses.

When it comes to stress relief, relaxing your mind is half the bottle.

Everyone needs a goal in life. Mine is to kill and eat the entire cast of the original Star Trek.

I can't keep my mouth shut about this bullshit any longer...
 So, how did the Tohono O'odham Nation get the land? They took it from some less vicious tribe, that's how. This same piece of real estate had changed hands dozens of times before the evil white man decided it was his turn to own it.

If this is your first time on Folio Olio, leave now...it's far too late for the rest of us, so save yourself.

His last game...
I'm sad that David Beckham is retiring from professional soccer as he is the only soccer player I can name.

I prefer to sleep as much as possible. Not because I'm lazy, but because my dreams are better than real life.

The fucking camera phones....always the fucking camera phones...

Jilly Ballistic prints and glues dialog boxes as her art form...

Cool name for a bar. My new bar is named Bar None, which I also consider clever...
One of the bars I owned was named The Bank. Men would get phone calls from their wife and they would say, "I'll be home soon, I'm at the bank."

One of my bartenders is in school studying physical therapy. I told her she was very smart in that very shortly over 50% of Americans will be over 60 years old and need her services....

My wife needs to read this magazine...

When people just aren't right for one another...

One of my very own...

This is the most expensive scene in silent film history...


I didn't know they did this...

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