About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


The wonderful lady that sent me the still of the cake I built sent me the whole video.
I made these stills from it.

This is a guy from the ad agency explaining his part. The nice lady is my first wife...
 This is Chef Thom who baked all the tons of cake...
 After the near disaster of having a mini-tornado in the middle of the night, this was the strategy meeeting to see if we could still actually get it done...

This is the house sized structure that we were to adhere the cake...
 This is me on TV explaining how I managed to do it....

The cake was attached to plywood first, then the plywood was attached to the frame...

The cake on the plywood was covered in a fabric to inhibit crumbling...

We iced it with concrete towels...

In order to handle the 2'X1' slab a cake without it falling apart, a piece of cardboard was baked into the bottom...

This is the man with the whistle. If you don't know what that means, then you work behind a desk...

This shows how the icing made it look like a slice...

This is me directing the angle of the sign...
 Filmed over my shoulder, I guess. I didn't even notice.

This is me knowing we had met the deadline without a second to spare...

Then the ceremony started...

You may wonder how people could eat such a cake...

Well, Chef Thom and the CEO's of both the banks made a symbolic "slice", and that whole triangle lower part rolled out revealing racks of edible presliced cake of the same color...

And here's good ole Strom Thurman with my cake on his face...

And in case you have more time on your hands, one of my older posts is getting A LOT of hits. I reread it and must admit, it was pretty fucking funny.

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