About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 4, 2013

MONDAY #1802

I don't know enough about this to discuss it, but with that kind of money invested to keep me uninformed, I smell a rat...

Why stay in Chernobyl? Because it's home.

Chernobyl is the site of the world's worst nuclear accident; for the past 27 years, the area has been known as the Exclusion Zone. And yet, a community of about 200 people still live there -- almost all of them elderly women.

The look on her face says it all...

News from Canada...
It was stated that 6 million pounds of maple syrup was stolen out of the Canadian Maple Syrup Reserve. Questions arose of where would you hide it, who do you fence it to and how do you move it? Well, apparently it was done over a long time, a few semi's at a time and was an inside job.
My question is, Why the fuck does Canada have a maple syrup reserve?
It's to stablize prices.

Further proof that the world has gone insane...

At least they are vigulant...

Apollo and Daphne (Bernini)
My nephew, Bruce, saw this in Italy...
 Just for my nephew...

If someone gave me a fez, I would wear it.

 [ Man dressed as Grim Reaper in background ]

I’ve finally figured out what I want on my tombstone: “Here lies the happiest multi-billionaire the world has ever known.”

What about a web site that will record a message from you to your loved ones to be delivered to them after you die?

You think this is posed or just...what...lucky...

Posed photography has its ups and downs. I have no problem with humor...
And this one does seem to have a message.

Let's look at this again...
Of course, he's so good because he's had a whole bunch of practice. You think there's some sort of prostitute competion that allows them to flaunt their skills?

How to stop Messi...

And why do you suppose the deck is stacked against third party candidates? I think it comes down to this...
The rich people don't want to have to break in a new crew.

Apartment dwellers fucking with one another...

For my son-in-law...

When people tell me they think my blog is "cute"...

We all have that one friend whose laugh is funnier than the joke.

If you think you're free, then you must have filled out the proper form(s) and had it stamped and approved by the property agency official, within the time limits required, filed by the clerk and then you were allowed to demonstrate your freedom on the correct day and time at the place stated on the form....
( I stole that from a commenter )
Speaking of...

You are not still doing this are you?

I read that this was is advantageous in increasing human's grip after being in water...

I don't always talk to non-tattooed people, but when I do, I don't judge them.

Men don't faint...we take unintended, decisive naps.

Call in to a Chinese Restaurant by Lindsay...

I once warned my daughter not to give me a case of buyer's remorse.

If you don't do a lot of stupid shit when you're young, you won't have any funny stories to tell when you're old.
Do get on out there and let the mayhem begin. Your Uncle Ralph will bail you out.....once.

Does my gun make me feel like a big man? Well, it allows me to function as one, so....yes.

I don't understand the complaints about there not being any straight pride marches. There are, on all the other streets.

This show is not living up to my expectations...

I understand how riots start.
I just don't understand why they ever stop.

Citizens should not fear their government. 
This will be enforced.

Heard a lady on TV say this today: "Americans deserve health care. They deserve to eat well. They deserve a comfortable place to live."
People like free stuff. Hell, I like free stuff, but what kind of message is that to give our young people? What about the people have the right to a PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS...nothing about it being handed to you.

What if I'm retarded and everybody is just playing along so I have no idea?

A television can insult your intelligence, but nothing rubs it in like a computer.

Well, this about sums up the whole problem doesn't it...

Faith is not just believing things unseen. It is believing things that are totally illogical.

For instance, do you think it is probable that a seven headed dragon will show up at the end of the world? And if you don't, then did the bible lie to you? 

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