About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 9, 2013

MONDAY #1836

 My wife installed her Festivus Pole today...

 I once got a comment left on this post about my post that Mandela saved thousands of lives by not allowing his followers to become obsessed with revenge...

 I know that some bad shit went down, but he more or less kept the majority (blacks) from treating the whites the way they (blacks) were treated.

 Well, there is fan support and then there is FAN SUPPORT...

- 11 year old Chinese school girl with backpack steals 18 month old baby from grandmother as she was getting on an elevator.
- Little girl was caught on security video repeatedly throwing the baby on the floor and kicking it.
- She threw the baby out her apartment's 25th floor window.
- The baby survived the fall, but is in critical condition.
- She told her parents she did it because "he had made angry faces at her".

Remind me not to make angry faces at a Chinese school girl.

I know that some of you share my peculiar, somewhat sexual fascination with the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea....

Turning the tables on the anal probers...
..."You my bitch now."

Like the internal combustion engine, I am amazed that hundred year old technology not only survives, but thrives...
To think that this is the best be can do is distressing...

My wife's friend takes this cut-out with her on all her travels...
...and, of course, photographs them together to share with her friends.

So much more beautiful than "store bought"...

Everywhere is a bed is you try hard enough.

I'm becoming jaded...and I hate it.
I loaned $100 to a young man who works at my favorite bar, then he got drunk, got in a fight with the owner and got fired…which means I will probably never see him again.
I talked to wife about how many times we’ve been fucked and try not to let it fuck with our head....but it's hard....real hard.

 ...already in use.

Did anybody watch the Okla/Okla. St game? Well, my friend made a hefty bet on under in the over/under and lost it on that final stupid lateral play at the end that resulted in a TD. That just ain't right, ya'll.


I have determined that every single person who worked hard…died.

California lumberjacks work on Redwoods.  Thousands of tree rings in these ancient trees - each over 1000+ years old or even much older...such a shame...irreplaceable giants.
National park treasures all gone but a few
what kind of men would do such a thing for over 100 years - destroy something they cannot ever fix or replace for 2000 years?
It is an evergreen, long-lived, monoecious tree living 1200–1800 years or more.
An estimated 95% or more of the original old-growth redwood forest has been cut.
In 1850, old-growth redwood forest covered more than 2,000,000 acres...down to
8,100 acres by 1968, by which time nearly 90% of the original redwood trees had been logged. 

I was watching a European soccer match and when the score reached 3 to 0, 60K fans began to sing "When the Saints Go Marching In." It was a thing to behold.

This is a very expensive leather handbag....

I like it.

Never believe anyone who says they can predict the future, especially if they're from California.

It seems to me that nearly every country in the world is having riots except us...
I think that says something about our character...or lack thereof...
We Americans feel so powerless...but worse, we just don't give a fuck...
This guy KNOWS how to riot...
You can't block a chain. It will go right over a shield and helmet and slap you in the back of your head...
And if that don't work...

The U.S. has an economy of influence — an economy with lobbyists at the center, which feeds on polarization. It feeds on dysfunction. The worse that it is for us, the better that it is for this fundraising.

Middle class set against the poor to keep them showing up for work everyday, when they are just one paycheck away from being poor themselves. It behooves the rich to keep the population undereducated to limit their options.

I once heard that typing /?.jpg into your URL would allow you to tap into the wifi at airports. Here's a response:

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.

You do have to connect to the WiFi first.  At the page where it asks for your credit card (login) you can type /?.jpg after the URL to see if it works.

The “?” changes the GET headers in the URL request.  It makes the blocker think the URL is an image.

So, if the blocker is setup to allow images through (maybe they are hot-linking their images from an external server for the sign-in page) then this will work.
You can try typing in www.google.com/?.jpg in your URL right now and see that it will still return the Google page.

Guy wrote a letter to NASA wanting to be an astronaut and used this sentence:

It can’t be that hard…monkey’s did it.

 Makes sense to me.

Apparently, someone in Detroit gets stabbed every 52 seconds................sucks to be that guy.

Well, well, well...

Part of my job as a white person iss to do at least one thing a day I can imagine a person of color rolling their eyes at.

Get drunk and fuck something....anything.

Get it?

Sometimes, just to shake things up, I turn off the wifi, wait for my wife to start screaming, walk up to her computer, slap it on the side a couple of times, then tell her to wait 30 seconds. During that wait I turn the wifi back on.
She thinks I'm a god.

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving him only two of them.

When did we replace the word "said" with "was like"?

My wife is a recovering vegetarian.

People who say "years young" make me very uncomfortable.

I believe Iranian leaders sit down in a meeting each day and it starts with: "You know what'll piss people off?"

There's a sign on my front door that says "BABY FINALLY SLEEPING. DO NOT KNOCK OR RING DOOR BELL". It's be there for 22 years.

Medieval undershoes...
So, from an invention that kept you real shoes out of the shit on the street, you have this shit...

I know it's a repost, but I still smiled the second time around...

Normal is just a setting on a dryer.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more on the story about the Bama fan who shot someone over the iron bowl....she shot a fellow Alabama fan because she thought the other person was not mad enough about losing to Auburn.

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