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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 28, 2014

FRIDAY #1912

I really don't see the problem.

Now that the Olympics are over I guess we can't be distracted from the shit going on in the real world...

Lucky as a two-dicked dog...

Meanwhile in the Ukraine....a catapult....

The hits on Folio Olio are going through the roof. For this, this old man would like to thank you very much.
For you new viewers two reposts that I found funny...
I will also repeat one of the funniest reactions I've ever seen.
A friend of my wife adopted a baby from Russia and brought it out to show it off. As one lady was wooing and aahing over the infant the mother said, "When it gets a little older I'm going to take her back."
Now, what she meant was that she was going to show the child the land of her birth, but the other lady thought she meant she was going to RETURN to child when it got too old and she fucking freaked.
It was VERY embarrassing and, at least to me, hilarious.

Perpetual motion machine?

Interesting shadow...

An old, old selfie...
Unabashed narcissism...and a pointless exercise...
In a related topic, a new Banksy...
Read an article outlining the amount of time people spend doing stupid shit with their phones. I forgot the exact hours, but it was stated that for the average amount of time in six months people spend checking Facebook they could have learned to play the guitar.
I mean, doesn't this look just a little....pointless?

Somehow the "government shall not establish a national religion" somehow got skewed to making all church holdings tax exempt. Don't know how that happened, but I sure as shit don't like it...

And this seems to be the universal reaction to "the greatest story ever told"....

I enjoy feeding slices of bacon to our vegan neighbor's kid through the mail slot in my door.

I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and assume they deserve it.

DO NOT try to cremate your family pet in your oven.
I mean it. Just don't.

Bull riding is one of those sports that got started by "Hold my beer and watch this."

A penny saved is ridiculous.

Still feel the need to rant about "science" TV shows featuring hunts for Yeti, ghosts, UFO's, etc. What a fucking waste.

The University of South Carolina once bought several mansions with plans to raze them and build on the sites. The head of the art department talked them into letting art students use the mansions as studio space until the bulldozers arrived...which was a couple of years.
 When time arrived for us to vacate I began to preserve artifacts (steal cool shit)...
 I got a lot of hardware and such, but my biggest take were the spindles along the staircase. I took dozens and dozens and used them in home improvement projects for 40 years. I STILL have eight left.
Here's two of them I used to support a booth table I built at the end of my present kitchen...

I never did catch my daughter smoking pot, but I did know sober kids don't give their parents goodnight handshakes.

This took me a moment...

Nature. Damn!

 Sometimes my OOMVO is sub-par and I decide to present another as a form of atonement...

Helmet saved his life...
 ...but that's not why is posted the image. Notice that his blood type is printed on the strap...and I bet that's not the only place.

 "You came in the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker...."

Good sex should be in that gray area between "tickle fight" and domestic violence.



Anonymous said...

NO NEED. Just relax and enjoy yourself. YOU NEED REST. Recovery takes time, and I don't mean from rehab. Love you man.

Ralph Henry said...

Thanks. I am mending...slower than I thought, but am ambulant again and that's a big plus.

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