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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 17, 2014

MONDAY #1902

Doctor gave my check-up an A+. Been living in the studio, making art (or at least planning it) and watching the Olympics.
Saturday the US beat Russia in hockey in one of the most exciting games I've ever seen.
Those are some of our troops still in Afghanistan watching the game....which, of course, got me to thinking.
Afghanistan....those soldiers and all others know the score as much as anyone else. They know we are going to leave and then that country will explode. There will be a civil war during which the current leadership that has stolen Billions of US dollars will flee to their penthouses in Paris and the country will yet again be run by the Taliban. But remember, we don't have a beef with the Taliban....as long as they keep al qaeda out.
With that said, every soldier there is playing a cruel game of "Don't be the last one killed"...for nothing.


I'm a father. I couldn't possibly take the love of a daughter (adopted or otherwise) and let it morph into lover. Right or wrong, it disgusts me and I think the man a monster...

During my check-up with my doctor, my wife told him that I was pretty upset that I forgot to ask him to save my removed bone and to let me take it home. He asked what I would do with it and my wife told him I would make art out of it. He then asked what kind of art I make and I told him about all the murals and money art and he said, "That's very impressive."
I smiled and said, "Yes it is....but not as impressive as having the ability to heal broken bodies."
Anyway, I am in the process of making a walking staff....I'm not a cane man. I've already got the shaft and wanted the bone to mount to the top. So I've gotten on line and can buy a plaster femur for less than ten bucks, so I will fake it.

Being a man who has often found a homeless woman waiting on my back porch when I got up in the morning, I know homeless people more than, say, you do. From what she has told me about herself and other homeless people, they prefer life on the street to almost any alternative.
You could chalk this up to mental illness if you want, but the fact remains...most of these folks don't want to be "saved".

Can you imagine how valuable this device is to this man?

For my friend, Joey....

I post many images of protests from all over the world. I am a big fan of people taking action when their government crosses a line....any line....
 The country - any country - belongs to the people, but there have always been powerful people who want to control everything to their own engrandizement...
 This sign says, "You’re shooting those you swore to protect."

Some people protest passively with art or painted slogans...
And this delightful woman hits the nail right on the fucking head...
It is my opinion that this country has turned into a monster that no other generation would have tolerated, yet we do nothing. And I think that doing nothing is the worse mistake of your generation and that you will live to regret it.

A very lucky deer...

That has GOT to be the work of the devil.

There are questions that beg to be asked about this...

So, do you think the twigs were arranged into that shape or just stacked up and trimmed that way?

The first word of Klingon anybody ever learns is "loneliness".


One wonders how many modern medical procedures will one day rank right up there with this...

I'm am getting such mixed messages over this...

From Boing Boing: Yes, there is big news out of nuclear fusion energy research this week. For the first time, scientists at the National Ignition Facility created more energy via fusion than they used to start the reaction. This is a big deal for anybody dreaming of futuristic sustainable energy. That said, the reaction time was shorter than the blink of an eye and it's a far from the long-hoped-for "ignition" — the point at which a controlled fusion reaction can sustain itself without more energy being poured in. But it's still really cool.

 My young friend - far right - and his buddies run a mile for ever medal the US wins in the Olympics...
 He's a great guy, by the way. Long to get him in a poker game one of these days.

That kid will make a great politician.

Can you believe that in the year 2014 we are STILL having a discussion over contra-fucking-ception?!?!
 It frightens me to think what would happen if those lunatics gained major power.

What a marvelous gift...

Found this on a WTF site. Living in the South I know that motels put all their outdoor furniture in the pool when a hurricane is coming...

In Russia this could get you thrown in jail....seriously...

The only reason people think Canadians are so polite is because they live next to the USA.

My wife gave me a Valentine...

Impotence is such an ugly term. I prefer "Non-practicing sex addict".


My son-in-law was talking to my daughter about how you can spot a little boy who is gay from a very early age...something I have observed in countless elelmentary school classrooms. To describe such behaviour he coined the term "flamboyish".
Further, he made that observation to condemn homophobes for condemning something that is inate...from birth.
I countered with this: Fuck being born with it! What if tomorrow I - personally - decided I wanted to have a man fuck me in the ass...for whatever reason. I'm not gay, maybe I just want to experience it. The point is, nobody has the right to condemn me for that...NOBODY.

It’s a time when ailurophilia has been rampant in the land, the bookshelves have become crowded with volumes in which cartoonists, painters, writers and poets pay their respects to that most independent, most enigmatic creature.

Are you ready for wine in a can?

Guy made art out of the different pedestrian crossing sign designs from all over the world...
 I never knew there were so many...

Looks like every guy in the world when his woman says she's almost ready to come...

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